A web-based CoursewAre Development Methodology
for Open instructional Systems


CADMOS is a development methodology for open web-based instructional systems. CADMOS methodology embraces the whole development lifecycle of Web-based courseware. CADMOS methodology is a collection of specific process models, methods, CASE tools, standards, and documentation aids whose purpose is to assist with the development of a quality, Web-based learning system on time and within the limits of resources through a controllable and quality-oriented process.

CADMOS supports the development of a Web-based learning system through an evolutionary model that is iterative and enables developers to construct increasingly more complete versions of the end product. Thus, according to CADMOS, a Web-based learning system should be developed as a series of fully functional builds (working versions of the learning system). A build satisfies the current set of requirements for the product under development. The underlying rationale of evolutionary development is that the client’s perception (either learner’s or teacher’s or institutional organisation’s) of the complete end product is a “moving target.” As the builds are tested and summatively evaluated, the user’s opinion regarding the characteristics of the system change, resulting in revised requirements, which –in turn– affect the design and development of future builds.

CADMOS was the subject of Dr. S. Retalis PhD thesis which happened at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece under the supervision of professor M. Skordalakis ( Sept 1995 - Nov. 1998).

Selected Publications

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