to Costas's WWW Page!!
This page is only my corner of the Web. All documents in here are my creations,
except those explicitely mentioned. For any suggestions of any sort, or for a chat, contact me via e-mail
Information on me is provided on this link.
Here is my contribution to the Web:
- Some nice pictures.
This page has grown somewhat old, but the pictures have not gotten any worse. Avoid this if your connection speed is low.
- Blonde Jokes. About 500 jokes
with blondes. Pages of about 8K each.
- Notes on Internet. Written by nfotis@softlab.ece.ntua.gr, I just
did the transfer into HTML. Greek fonts necessary.
- Comp.security FAQ as it was in May 1994, in HTML. Interesting stuff...
- Startup Links. A (rather old) collection of WWW pages.
I retrieved the list from Mosaic for Windows, any complaints should go to NCSA. The list will be updated soon, with the contents of my hotlist.
As an alternative, you can get the hotlist of P. Christias as he has it converted to HTML, or the
Yannoff's list.
- Also, I have a funny story not yet fully ported to the Web. It is about the
Bastard Operator from Hell.
- Also, some more stuff exists on My Second page!.
Also, you can go to some other interesting pages/servers here in NTUA.
Tavernarakis Costas
Last update : July 12, 1995