UNIX Hints & Hacks |
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Chapter 4: System Monitoring |
Sometimes log files need to be trimmed down in size. Here is one way to cut the log file in half.
Shell: sh
Syntax: bc tail -number wc [-l] file
Warning - Before cutting log files in half, stop any and all processes that might have the log files open. |
Find the number of lines in the log file:
% wc -l SYSLOG 1234567
Divide this number in half:
% echo "1234567 / 2" | bc 617283
tail can deliver the last part of the file in two ways: by counting the distance in lines either down from the top of the file or up from the bottom of the file.
For counting the distance in lines from the top use
% tail +617283 SYSLOG > SYSLOG.half
For counting the distance in lines from the bottom use
% tail -617283 SYSLOG > SYSLOG.half
This process can be quickly scripted to perform this function for you. In the script, pass through the name of the file to cut in half. Then determine what the size is, take half that total size, and use tail to trim it down to size.
#! /bin/sh FILE=$1 SIZE=`cat $FILE | wc -l` HALF=`echo $SIZE/2 | bc` echo "Total size = $SIZE Half = $HALF" tail +${HALF} $FILE > $FILE.cut ls -l $FILE $FILE.cut
Line 1: Define the shell to use.
Line 2: Pass in the file that is to be cut in half.
Line 3: Determine the size of the file.
Line 4: Take half the total value of the file to be cut.
Line 5: Display the original size and what half the size is.
Line 6: Cut the file in half, counting from the top down and writing the bottom half of the file out to a new filename.
Line 7: Display a long listing of the old and new file.
xinu 1% cutit backup.ugu.INDEX.Thu Total size = 1634885 Half = 817442 -rw-r--r-- 1 ugu user 100455424 Sep 16 23:33 backup.ugu.INDEX.Thu -rw-r--r-- 1 ugu user 42082249 Sep 21 20:17 backup.ugu.INDEX.Thu.cut
Sometimes you get huge log files that you cannot bring into a vi editor or do anything with. You see buffer overrun errors and often run out of disk space. Cutting the log files in half frees up disk space and makes the log files more manageable from an administration standpoint.
At some point a process can run out of control, creating an incredible amount of the entries in your log file. If this were to happen over the weekend when no one was around, your disk would more than likely be full when you arrived at work on Monday morning. Depending on how much or what data you want, you have a couple of options.
Stop any daemons or processes that are writing to that particular log file. Then find disk space on another partition, disk, or through an NFS mount point. If there is only an NFS mount point available, this might depend on the size of the file.
If you want to get rid of the massive number of error messages that were logged in the file, grep those out using a pattern that exists in all the error messages:
# grep -v "ERROR dbase offline" /var/adm/messages >/var/adm/messages.new # mv /var/adm/messages.new /var/adm/messages.
If you don't want the file at all, null the file fast and reclaim all the lost disk space:
# cat /dev/null > /var/adm/messages
If you have some time to manipulate the file, move it to another area:
# mv /var/adm/messages /disk2/tmp
Then cut the file in half using the commands of the script discussed.
Man pages:
bc, grep, tail, wc
UNIX Hints & Hacks |
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Chapter 4: System Monitoring |
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