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Each port assigned to a port monitor has its own service tag. By convention, svctag is tty followed by the name of the port in the /dev/term directory. For example, for device /dev/term/b, the corresponding svctag is ttyb. For /dev/term/7, the svctag is tty7.
NOTE: You can assign any svctag name that you like, as long as you use it consistently.
To display a list of currently active services, type pmadm -l and press Return. You do not need to be superuser to display a list of currently active services. In the following example, the first three entries are defined for printing services. The last two entries define the default zsmon services for serial ports A and B.
castle% /usr/sbin/pmadm -l PMTAG PMTYPE SVCTAG FLGS ID <PMSPECIFIC> tcp listen lp - root - - p - /var/spool/lp/fifos/listenS5 # tcp listen lpd - root \x00020203000000000000000000000000 - p - /var/spool/lp/fifos/listenBSD # tcp listen 0 - root \x00020ACE000000000000000000000000 - c - /usr/lib/saf/nlps_server # zsmon ttymon ttya u root /dev/term/a I - /usr/bin/login - 9600 ldterm,ttcompat ttya login: - tvi925 y # zsmon ttymon ttyb u root /dev/term/b I - /usr/bin/login - 9600 ldterm,ttcompat ttyb login: - tvi925 y # castle%
In the preceding example, the pmtag is zsmon; the pmtype is ttymon; the svctag is ttya and ttyb; the flag is u (which creates a utmp directory for the service); and the ID, root, is the user identity that is assigned to the service tag when it is started. The port monitor-specific information includes the device path, I (initialize only), a login account, 9600 baud rate, terminal configuration information, and the login: prompt.
NOTE: A single port monitor can handle multiple requests for the same service concurrently, so it is possible for the number of active login services to exceed the number of ttymon port monitors.
You use the dev-path variable to specify the full name of the tty port device file to which the modem or character terminal is connected. For example, the pathname for a character terminal or modem connected to serial port A is /dev/term/b. A terminal attached to the first port of a serial port adapter board or multiplexer would be /dev/term/00.
CAUTION! Do not use /dev/cua/* device names to set up the SAF. The tip, cu, and uucp commands should, however, be set up to call out on /dev/cua/*, not /dev/term/* devices. If you call out on /dev/term with the tip command, the message link down is displayed, and the cu command times out.
You can use the ttylabel variable to specify which entry in the /etc/ttydefs file is used when the SAF searches for the proper baud rate and line discipline. The following example shows the first group of settings from the /etc/ttydefs file.
460800:460800 hupcl:460800 hupcl::307200 307200:307200 hupcl:307200 hupcl::230400 230400:230400 hupcl:230400 hupcl::153600 153600:153600 hupcl:153600 hupcl::115200 115200:115200 hupcl:115200 hupcl::76800 76800:76800 hupcl:76800 hupcl::57600 57600:57600 hupcl:57600 hupcl::38400 38400:38400 hupcl:38400 hupcl::19200 19200:19200 hupcl:19200 hupcl::9600 9600:9600 hupcl:9600 hupcl::4800 4800:4800 hupcl:4800 hupcl::2400 2400:2400 hupcl:2400 hupcl::1200 1200:1200 hupcl:1200 hupcl::300 300:300 hupcl:300 hupcl::460800
The type of modem you use is discussed later in this chapter in the section Modem Connection and Switch Settings.
You can add comments (in double quotes) to both the pmadm and sacadm comments after the -y flag when you add a port monitor or service. Any comments you add are displayed when you use the -l option to the sacadm or pmadm command to display port monitors or services.
Use comments to specify the ports with which the various port monitors are associated.
You can set up a modem in three ways:
Using any one of these modem services, you can tip or cu to a remote system.
You must disable hardware carrier detect. On Sun systems, you can do this in two ways. One way is to do the following:
Alternatively, follow these steps to disable hardware carrier detect on Sun systems:
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