Table of Contents



! (bang) character, 544
$ (dollar sign), 317
. (dot) character, 11
$=m class, 83
# (pound sign), 317
/ (slashes), formatting usernames, 60
$=w class, 83


$a macro, 82
absolute mode, changing permissions, 401
absolute pathnames, 286
specifying direct maps, 137
key, 141
accepting print requests, 238
access control, maintaining, 392
Access Control Lists, see ACLs
access rights, 543
NIS+, 110-111
removing, 111
table objects, viewing, 121
accessing, 307
directories with Kerberos Version 4, 438
file restrictions, 394-395
patches with ftp, 308
accounts creating administrative accounts, 44
modules, PAM authentication, 439
ACLs (Access Control Lists), 406
argument syntax, 407
commands, 406-407
permissions, 410-411
modifying, 412-413
action (package configuration file), 286
adapters, Solaris 2.6 print protocol adapter, 210
Add Access To Printer window (Admintool), 233
Add Local Printer window (Admintool), 235
Add Software Terminal window (Admintool), 303
Add Software window (Admintool), 300
addition operator, 349-350
addresses applying rulesets, 67
canonical form, converting, 86
domain addresses, 10
local addresses, 10
structure, 11
email adjusting sendmail logging level, 64-65
duplicates, 27
sendmail program, 28
external form, 67
parsing, 26-27, 57-58
rewriting rules, 80
Ruleset 4, 67
admin (package command), 284
admin files changing default, 288
creating, 286
custom admin files, 286
values, 287
admintool, serial ports and SAF, 183-186
administration, 430-434
automounter, 134
preparing for operation, 147-148
Diffie-Hellman authentication, 430-434
Kerberos Version 4, 436-437
mail configurations aliases on SunOS 4 master server, 43-44
postmaster responsibilities, 47
NIS+, 115-116
client security, 124-125
commands, 116
hierarchical namespace, 99-102
org_dir tables, 105-106
patches, 306
Solaris 2.6, printing software administration tools, 211-212
subdomains, 100
AdminSuite, 501-502
installing, 503-505
Database Manager, NIS+ administration, 115
Admintool, 298-299, 543
/etc/mail/aliases files, editing, 44
Add Software Terminal window, 303
Add Software window, 300
character terminals, adding, 203-204
configuring modems, 197
Customize Installation window, 302
Delete Software window, 304
local printers, configuring, 234-235
Modify Serial Port window, 199
ports, initializing, 204-205
print clients, configuring, 232-233
Serial Ports, configuring SAF for modems, 193
Software window, 303
Users window, 299
Afile (sendmail configuration option), 91
agents transport, 550
user, 551
aliasadm command, 17, 42
aliases, 543
/etc/mail aliases file, 44
creating, 17, 42
loops, preventing, 27
NIS+, 16-17
postmaster aliases, 45-46
syntax, reference table, 364
troubleshooting, 52
Aliases database, 40
permissions, 66
angle brackets RFC 822,
interpretation, 68
sendmail formatting, 59
anonymous ftp script, 367-373
appending sender domain information to addresses Ruleset D, 67
application servers, 543
applications user access, 261
applying name-rewriting rules, 61
rulesets, 67, 86 script, 374-375
archived files (ASET), restoring, 474-476
argument vector template, specifying, 87
argument vector/exit status, 57
arguments ACLs, syntax, 407
command-line arguments shifting, 334-335
specifying, 332-333
mailer arguments, macro definitions, 81-83
processing, 26-27
sendmail, 57-58, 62
command-line arguments, 90-91
daemon mode, 62
queue interval, 62 script, 375-383
ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 423
checklist files, 463
cklist task, 453
command options, 469
eeprom task, 454-455
env task, 454
environment variables PERIODIC_ SCHEDULE variable, 467
TASKS variable, 468
error messages, 476-477
execution logs, 455-456
firewall task, 455
interactive operation, 469-472
master files, 450-451
periodic operation, 472-473
periodic stopping, 473
reports, 456-457, 473-474
security levels, 451-452
sysconf task, 454
tasks, 450
tune files, 459-462
tune task, 453
uid_aliases files, 463
usrgrp task, 453-454
utilities, 393
assigning mailhosts, 6
shell scripts permissions, 319
variables, 320
associating shared directories with mount points, 142
Atime (sendmail configuration option), 91
atomic style print requests, 232
authentication, 416-417
DES, 108
Diffie-Hellman, 416, 426-430
administration, 430-434
decrypting conversion key, 429
storing keys, 427
Kerberos Version 4, 417, 434-437
LOCAL, 108
modules (PAM), 439
NIS+, 107-108
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Mode), 439
adding modules, 448
configuring, 446-448
control flags, 442
implementing, 445-446
initiating error reporting, 447-448
libraries, 440-441
module types, 439
security, 390
stacking, 439
Solstice AdminSuite, 417
authorization, 416-417
DES encryption, 416
Diffie-Hellman, 427
NIS+, comparing with NIS, 99
rights, 543
secure RPC, 416
auto_home, 140
databases, 544
see also home directories map
auto_master map, adding entries, 140
AutoClient, 505-510, 543
automounter, 134, 136
accessing remote files, 146-147
maps, 134, 137, 544
direct, 141-142
indirect, 141
map-name, 138
master, 137
variables, 145
mount points, 135, 144
mount-options, 138
operation, 145-147
preparing for operation, 147-148
recommended policies, 148


$b macro, 82
b mode (sendmail delivery), 63-64
back file systems, 544
backward compatibility, NIS+, 138
base directories, 287, 544
basedir (package configuration file), 286
baud rate, 197, 250, 544
bidirectional modems
default values, 198-199
SAF, configuring for use, 193-195
binary data, sending in email, 27
bn (sendmail configuration option), 91
body (messages), formatting, 60
Bourne shells, 316-317, 544
built-in commands, 319, 327-329
processing, 318
substitution, 338
command-line arguments
listing, 325
shifting, 334-335
specifying, 332-333
debugging flags, 352-354
environment variables, 329-330
executing, 319
exit status, 326, 349
flow control, 344
breaking loops, 348
for/foreach loops, 345
until loops, 348
while loops, 346-347
here documents, 336
input redirection, 330
interactive input, 335-336
mathematical operators, 36
output redirection, 330
parsing order, 354
quoting, 338
read command, 335
redirectors, 331
shell identification, 319
storing scripts, 320
testing for conditions, 339-343
user-defined functions, 351-352
variables, displaying from command lines, 321-322
see also shells
brackets, angle brackets, formatting recipient names, 59
breaches in security, reporting, 394
breaking loops, 348
breakout box, 544
built-in shell
commands, 319, 327-329
variables, 324-325
Bvalue (sendmail configuration option), 91
-bx (command-line argument), 90


C (mailer flag), 93
c (sendmail configuration option), 91
C shells, 316-317, 320, 545
$argv notation, 362
built-in shell commands, 327-329
command processing, 318
command-line arguments
shifting, 334-335
specifying, 332-333
debugging flags, 352-354
environment variables, 329-330
executing, 319
exit status, 349
flow control, 344
breaking loops, 348
for/foreach loops, 345
until loops, 348
while loops, 346-347
here documents, 336
input redirection, 330
mathematical operators, 350, 367
path operators, 358
output redirection, 330
parsing order, 354
positional parameters, 333
quoting, 338
redirection metacharacters, 332, 362
shell identification, 319
shell variables, syntax, 322
testing for conditions, 339-343
if-else-else if-endif syntax, 341
variables, 321-322
see also shells, commands; shells, scripts
null modem cable, 548
port connections, 239-240
troubleshooting, 196
cache, 544
cache manager, NIS+ clients, 129
canonical form (addresses)
Ruleset 3, 67
converting addresses to, 86
case statements, conditional testing, 342-343
categories, NIS+ principals, 109
cd (package command), 291
CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 544
formatting diskettes, 491-492
CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory), 544
accessing, 299-300
removing after installation, 303-304
sharing, 486-487
formatting, 488-489
packages, displaying information, 293
Solaris Server Intranet Extension network services software, 499
system management, 498-499
CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center), 394
-Cfile (command-line argument), 91
character terminals, 544
adding, 203-204
configuring SAF for use, 200
terminal-hardwired default values, 203
see also terminals
dollar signs ($), metasymbols, 83
escaping, 337
C shell redirection metacharacters, 332, 362
quote characters, 362
RFC 822, interpretations, 68
ASET system files, 453
environment security, env task, 454
checklist files (ASET), 463
child processes, 318, 544
chmod command (NIS+), 111, 400
cklist task, ASET, 453
CKLISTPATH_level variable (ASET), 468
$=m, 83
$=w, 83
defining, 77
definitions, splitting, 78
user classes (UNIX files), 395
clients, 134-135, 210, 544
AutoClient software, 505-510
configuring, 227-230
directories, mount points, 135
mail, 38, 547
configuring, 40
cache manager, 129
configuring, 126-129
granting access rights, 111
requirements, 125
security, 124-125
verifying commands, 129-130
verifying configuration, 129
patches, installing, 310
print clients, 208
configuring, 226-230, 232-233
specifying, 226
SunSoft Print Client, 230-231
Solaris 2.x clients, troubleshooting printing problems, 241-247
SunSoft Print Client
printer configuration resources, 231
submitting print requests, 232
cn (sendmail configuration option), 91
codes, qf file, 48
ASET reports on servers, 473-474
email messages, sendmail, 27, 58, 60
columns (NIS+ tables)
alias table, 17
securing, 111
sendmailvars table, 23
command lines
sendmail, 90-91
setting local variables, 322
shifting, 334-335
specifying, 332-333
file permissions
setting, 410-411
formatting CD-ROMs, 488-489
setting local variables, 322
variables, displaying, 321-322
commands, 231
ACL, 406-407
aliasadm, 17, 42
aset, options, 469
Bourne shell, /bin/sh, 317
chmod, 400
echo, 322
exit status, 349
file administration, 397-398
ftp, accessing patches, 308
G, 77
getfacl, 408-409
H, 78-79
input redirection, 330
Kerberos, 436
keylogin, 427
logins, 418-419
LP, troubleshooting hung computers, 250-251
NIS+, 116-118
chmod, 111
mount, 135-136
niscat -h table-name. directory-name command, 121
nischmod , 111
nisls, 119
nistbladm, 111, 136
unmount, 135-136
verifying clients, 129-130
O, 78
output redirection, 330
P, 78
admin, 284
cd, 291
pkgadd, 284, 288-290
pkgask, 284
pkgchk, 284, 292-293
pkginfo, 284, 293
pkgrm, 284, 294
removing packages, 284
vi, 284
patchadd, 306, 309
patchadd -p , 306
patchadd -r, 306
patchrm, 306, 311
pmadm, 225
variable input, 229
SAF (Service Access Facility), 188-189
adding comments, 191
pmadm, 193
ttyadm, 193
variables, 189-191
Secure RPC, 430-434
shell commands
built-in shell commands, 327-329, 359-361
continue, 348
echo, 337
read, 335
shift, 334-335
shell processing, 318
su, monitoring usage, 422-423
substitution, 338
T, 78
test, 365-366
unset, 323
comment lines
shell scripts, 319
adding to SAF commands, 191
Common Desktop Environment, 544
common substitution reference table, 364
argument vector/exit status, 57
serial communications
baud rate, 544
Compact Disk-Read Only Memory, see CD-ROM
ASET reports, 458-459
LOCAL and DES authentication, 108
NIS with NIS+, 99
backward compatibility
NIS+, 138
NIS+ and NIS, 98, 112-113
compilers, 545
mail service, 18-19
NIS+ namespace, 101
Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center, see CERT/CC
concatenation, 545
shell script variables, 322
conditional testing, 339-343
multi-branching, 342-343
see also flow control
environment variables, 452-453
master files, 450-451
credentials for Diffie-Hellman authentication, 432-434
files, 284-287
ACL configuration files
setting permissions, 411
package, 285-286
PAM configuration file (Password Authentication Module), 441-442
sendmail, 61-63, 66-67, 91-93
gateways, 42
installation base directory, 287
local printers, 220-223
mail clients, 40
mail configurations
administering the mail queue, 47, 50
domains, 10-11
gateways, 38
local mail, 32-33
mail clients, 38
mailers, 9
mail queue formats, 48
mail servers, 7-8, 38
mailhosts, 38
relay hosts, 5, 38
sendmail, 60-62
system requirements, 4
transport agents, 9
troubleshooting, 52
two domains, one gateway, 35
two networks with one domain and router, 34
user agents, 9
mailhosts, 41
NIS+ clients, 126-129
credentials, 126
verification, 129
PAM, 446-448
print clients, 226
non-NIS systems, 226-227
print clients with Admintool, 232-233
print servers, 223-225
specifying default printer, 220
relay hosts, 41-42
cables, 196
character terminals, 200-202
conflict (package configuration file), 286
gateways, 6, 42
Internet, relay hosts, 5
local mail configuration, uucp connections, 33
modems, 191-199
port connections, troubleshooting, 239-240
serial connections, 196
serial port devices, 188
SMTP over TCP, 57
terminals, troubleshooting, 202-203
uucp connections, testing, 46
contacting CERT/CC, 394
mail queues, printing, 47
NIS+ tables, viewing, 119
context-based style print requests, 232
continue command (shell command), 348
contract customer database
accessing, 307
characters, escaping, 337
files, 60
flags, PAM (Password Authentication Module), 442
input/output redirection, 330
logins, 392
see also flow control
conventions (naming conventions), NIS+ domains, 103-104
conversion key, Diffie-Hellman authentication, 428-429
file permissions, 413-414
files from remote host to local system, 139
correcting print output problems, 249-250
cpio files, 492-494
$CPU variable, 145
Create (NIS+ access right), 110-111
NIS, configuring for Diffie-Hellman authentication, 433-434
configuring, 126
configuring for Diffie-Hellman authentication, 432
principals, 108-109
custom admin files, 286
Customize Installation window (Admintool), 302
customizing, 287
installation, 301
name services, name service switch, 113-115 file, 6


$d macro, 82
definitions, sytax, 76
D (mailer flag), 93
D (sendmail configuration option), 91
daemons, 545
automounter, 136
see also automounter
keyserv, restarting, 431
rpc.nisd (NIS+), 107
sendmail, 62
data files, queue files, 48
data storage, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
Database Manager, 545
databases, 136
Aliases, 40, 66
contract customer, accessing, 307
Hosts database, 546
aliases, 17
comparing with NIS, 99
Passwd, 548
patch, 307
performance monitoring, NIS+ transaction log model, 112
terminfo, 550
see also tables
ddn, 10
debugging flags, 352-354
deciphering domain addresses, receiving mailers, 10
declarations, 61
decrypting conversion key, Diffie-Hellman authentication, 429
admin files, 288
/etc/syslog.conf file, 50-51
mount points, 137
owner, NIS+ objects, 111
precedence, sendmail configuration file, 78
printer, 220
stty (standard terminal) settings, 248-249
temporary file mode, 65
umask, 396-397
bidirectional modems, 198-199
dial-in only default values, 197
dial-in only modems, 197
initialize only-no connection, 204-205
terminal-hardwired, 203
defining, 287
classes, uppercase letters, 77
loghost, 50
macros, sendmail configuration file, 76
mailer specifications, file, 5
printer description, 220
sendmail configuration file, values for precedence, 78
trusted users, 78
Delete Software window (Admintool), 304
ACL entries, 413
aliases, 42
port services, 205
delivering email messages, 58-60
in sendmail, 27
relay hosts, 5
transport agent, 9
DES (Data Encryption Standard), 426
credentials (NIS+ principals), 108-109
encryption, 416
descriptions, printers, 220
designating default printer, 220
Destroy (NIS+ access right), 110-111
destroying Kerberos Version 4 tickets, 438-439
character terminals, configuring SAF for use, 200-202
metadevices, 547
dial-in only default values, 197
switch settings, 192-193
troubleshooting connections, 195-197
printers, troubleshooting, 235-250
privileged ports, 423
serial connections, 196
serial port devices, configuring, 188
terminals, troubleshooting connections, 202-203
dev-path variable (SAF commands), 189-190, 193
breakout box, 544
resources, 53
dial_auth module (PAM module), 441
dial-in modems, SAF, configuring for use, 193-195
dial-in only default values, 197
dial-out service (SAF), configuring for use, 195
Diffie-Hellman authentication, 416, 426-430
administration, 430-434
conversion key, 428
keylogin command, 427
direct maps, 137, 141-142, 545
creating, 140
manual page direct maps, 142
/var/nis/, verifying (NIS+ clients), 129
accessing, 438
administrative (NIS+), 102-103
base, 269, 544
changing, cd (package command), 291
default umask, 396-397
home, 546
installation base, 287
mount points, 135, 138
objects, 102-103
org_dir, tables, 105-106
paths, security, 393
permissions, 395-396
ACLs, 408
remote, automounter, 134
root, 549
shared, associating with mount points, 142
spooling, 550
hardware carrier detect, 192
user logins, 419-420
volume management, 495
disk configuration (print servers), 213
diskettes, 491-492, 545
DiskSuite, 510-513
Admintool, Modify Serial Ports window, 199
ASET reports, 457
exit status, 326
file information, 398
messages, echo command, 337
NIS+ table, 119
package information, 293
printer description, 220
table information, nisls command, 120
user login status, 417-418
variables from command lines, 321-322
see also viewing
distributed computing, ONC (Open Network Computing), 98
division operator, 349-350
-dlevel (command-line argument), 91
documents, here documents, 336
dollar signs ($), metasymbols, 83
domain-based naming, RFC 1006, 88
domains, 10-11, 99-100, 545
addresses, 11, 545
. (dot), 11
local addresses, 10
structure, 11
aliases, creating, 17
directory objects, 102-103
hierarchical domains, 101
naming syntax, 103-104
root, 103
security, 107, 124-125
receiving mailers, 10
specification, appending to messages, 87
subdomains, 100
table objects, 104-105
double quotes
comments, adding to SAF commands, 191
recipient names, formatting, 59
duplicate messages, 58
duties of postmaster, 47
dx (sendmail configuration option), 91


$e macro (sendmail), 81
E (mailer flag), 93
echo command (shell command), 337
editing, 58
/etc/mail/aliases files, 44
shell scripts, 319
eeprom task, ASET, 454-455
mail configuration
domains, 10-11
gateways, 6
mailhosts, 6
mail servers, 7-8
mailers, 9
relay hosts, 5
requirements, 4
transport agent, 9
user agents, 9
email, 5
addressing, 28
binary data, sending, 27
mail services, terminology, 4
mail systems, unresolved mail, 5
collecting, 27
retransmissions, 27
returning, 58
listen services for print servers, 224-225
printers for print requests, 238
encryption, DES encryption (Data Encryption Standard), 416, 426
enforcing firewall security, 416
enhanced printer support, Solaris 2.6, 211
entries (ACL), deleting, 413
env task, ASET, 454
files, 358
Solaris 2.6 printing software, administration tools, 211-212
variables, 317, 329-330, 545
ASET, setting, 452-453
CKLISTPATH_level variable (ASET), 468
displaying from command lines, 321-322
NIS_PATH, setting, 119
shells, 317
TASKS variable (ASET), 468
UID_ALIASES variable (ASET), 468
YPCHECK variable (ASET), 468
equivalents, NIS+ name service commands, 116-118
messages, ASET, 476-477
sendmail, returning messages, 58
STDERR (standard error), 330-331
escaping characters, 337
ether, 10, 106
Ethernet, 46
assigning mailhosts, 7
ex (sendmail configuration option), 92
scripts, 367-386
sendmail configuration files, 68-75
executable stacks, 390-391
executing shell scripts, 319
execution logs (ASET), 455-456
exit status, 349, 545
displaying, 326
expressions, conditional testing, 339-343
flow control, 344-348
external form, converting addresses to, 67


.forward files, 24
$f macro, 82
F (mailer flag), 94
f (sendmail configuration option), 92
-f name (command-line argument), 90
factors (weighting factors), specifying for servers, 144
failed login attempts, saving, 420
faults, printer faults, troubleshooting, 251-252
federated name service, mapping, /xfn entry, 138
mailer definition, 80
rule definitions, syntax, 79
files, 50-51, 75-76
.forward files, 24
/etc/mail aliases file, 44
/etc/mail/aliases files, editing, 44
/etc/mnttab file, mount table, 136
/etc/vfstab file, 135
accessing from CD-ROM, 299-300
ACL configuration files
setting permissions, 410-412
administration commands, 397-398
checklist files, 463
master files, 450-451
report files, comparing, 458-459
report files, format, 458
setting permissions, 453
tune files, 459-462
uid_aliases files, 463
auto_master, 137
automount maps, 544
configuration files
sendmail, 60-61
tuning parameters, 62
content, printers, 240
control files, 60
copying remote host to local system, 139
cpio, 492-494
custom admin files, 286
default umask, 396-397
descriptors, 330-331, 546
displaying information, 398
environment files, 317, 358
gateway configuration files, 42
group ownership, changing, 399-400
log files, 51-52
modes, temporary, 65
mounting, 487, 489 Diffie-Hellman authentication, 434
name service switch file, 113-115
names, 76, 323
NFS (Network File System)
automounter, 134
clients, 134-135
servers, 134-135
package configuration files, 284-287
permissions, 395, 402-403
ACLs (Access Control Lists), 406
changing, 400
copying, 413-414
sticky bits, 404
printing over network, 252
queue files, 48-49
receiving messages, 59-60
remote files, accessing with automounter, 146-147
removing after installation, 303-304
restoring, 474-476
securing, 392, 394-395
sendmail configuration files, 66-67
building, 88
configuration options, 91-93
example, 68-75
header lines, 79
mailer flags, 93
modes, 65-66
naming macros, 76
precedence definitions, 78
properties, 59
rulesets, 67
setting options, 78
testing, 89-90, 5
share scripts, 550
sharing, 421
with Kerberos authentication, 437-438
shell initialization, 317
shell scripts, 319
write permission, 319
see also shells, scripts
systems, 546
automounter, 136-137
backup file systems, 544
mounted, listing, 136
mounting, 135-136
PCFS (Personal Computer File System), 135, 548
virtual file system table, 135
UFS, 407-408
volume management, 481-483
PostScript filters, installing, 228
print filters, troubleshooting, 251
with ACLs, 409
with special permissions, 404-406
mount points, 138
firewalls, 415-416, 455
installing, 394
debugging, 352-354
mailer, 93
defining, 86-88
optional flag, 443
required flag, 443
requisite flag, 443
sufficient flag, 444-445
queue interval, setting, 62
flow control, 344
breaking loops, 348
for/foreach loops, 345
until loops, 348
while loops, 346-347
flushing messages, 63
Fn (sendmail configuration option), 92
-Fname (command-line argument), 90
for/foreach loops, 344-345
forcing mail queue, 49
fork, 546
ASET report files, 458
domain addresses, 10
here documents, 336
mail queues, 48
messages, header declarations, 61
recipient names, 59
time intervals, 62
formatting messages, 60
forms, class definition, 77
ftp, accessing patches, 308
scripts, 374-375, 375-383, 383-384, 384-385, 385-386
syntax reference tables, 365
user-defined, 351-352


G command, sendmail configuration file, 77
$g macro, 82
gateways, 6, 38, 546
ASET execution logs, 455-456
ASET reports, 456-457
conversion key, Diffie-Hellman authentication, 428
shell scripts, output, 337
generic Top-Level Domain, see gTLD
getfacl command, 408-409
GID (Group Identification Number), 546
global root, NIS+ domains, 103
gn (sendmail configuration option), 92
granting access rights (NIS+), 111
Group (NIS+ principal category), 110-111
group (org_dir table), 106
Group databases, 546
Group Identification Number, see GID
groups, 546
groups_dir (administrative directory), 102-103
gTLD (generic Top-Level Domain), 546
GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)
AdminSuite, 501-502
installing, 503-505
OPEN LOOK, OpenWindows, 548


$h macro, 83
h (mailer flag), 94
h (sendmail configuration option), 92
-h cnt (command-line argument), 90
H command, 78-79
hard (automounter mount option), 138
cable, troubleshooting, 196
carrier detect, disabling, 192
character terminals, 200-202
dial-in only default values, 197
switch settings, 192-193
troubleshooting connections, 195-197
printers, troubleshooting, 235-250
serial connections, 196
terminals, troubleshooting connections, 202-203
Hayes-compatible modems, settings, 193
declarations (sendmail) 61
formatting, 60
lines, 79
messages, editing, 58
here documents, 336, 546
Hfile (sendmail configuration option), 92
domains, 101
namespace (NIS+), 99-100
components, 101-102
parallel, 269
see also namespace
high security (ASET security level), 452
history syntax, 365
home directories, 546
map, 137, 140
hop count, 83 script, 383-384
domain-based naming, 88
loghosts, specifying, 50
mailhosts, 6
org_dir table, 106
relay hosts, 5, 38
remote hosts, copying files to local system, 139
trusted hosts, 416
Hosts database, 546
hotlines, CERT/CC, 394
hung printers, troubleshooting, 251-252


$i macro, 83
i (sendmail configuration option), 92
i mode (sendmail delivery), 63-64
I/O piping, 363
IAHC(International Ad Hoc Committee), 11
icons, SVR4, 4
patches, 309
shell scripts, 319
shells, 319
idepend (package configuration file), 285
idle printers, troubleshooting, 251-252
if statements, 342
if-else-else if-endif syntax, testing for conditions, 341
if-then-else-elif-fi syntax, 339
mail configurations
local mail , 32-33
two networks with one domain and router, 34
mail services
gateways, 42
mail clients, 40
mail servers, 39
mailhosts, 41
preparation, 38
relay hosts, 41-42
PAM, 445-446
sendmail, 59
indexed names, 116
indirect maps, 137, 141
creating, 140, 546
init states, 546
initializing ports, 204-205
initiating PAM error reporting, 447-448
inode, 546
input, 330
interactive input, 335
redirection, 330
STDIN (standard input), 330-331
inserting macros, 76
installation base directory, 287
AdminSuite, 503-505
custom installation, 301
firewalls, 394
packages, 287-292
patches, 306, 309-310
PostScript filters, 228
software, 299-300
Solstice Backup, 515-518
Solstice PPP, 533-538
SunScreen SKIP, 539-542
instance (package configuration file), 285-286
integrating system software, SunOS 4 and SunOS 5, 43
integrity (user accounts), verifying with usrgrp task (ASET), 453-454
interactive input (shell scripts), 335
lock-step interfaces, running, 57
operation, ASET, 469-472
interfaces (sendmail), 56-57
internal form, resolving addresses to, 67
Internet patches, accessing, 307
interpreters, 546
Bourne shell, 544
quoted strings, 325
RFC 822, 68
sendmail configuration file, header lines, 79
queue intervals, setting, 62
time intervals, syntax, 62
intr (automounter mount option), 138
IP addresses, 546
iterative mechanisms (loops), 344
breaking loops, 348
for/foreach loops, 345
until loops, 348
while loops, 346-347


$j macro (sendmail), 81
Java IDL (Interface Definition Language), 499, 530
installing, 531-532
Joy, Bill, 317


kdestroy (Kerberos command), 436
kerbd (Kerberos command), 436
Kerberos Version 4, 417, 434-438
administration, 436-437
commands, 436
destroying, 438-439
logging in, 438
destroying, 438-439
listing, 438
kernel, 316, 547
direct map pathname, 141-142
indirect map pathname, 141
Key column, NIS+ sendmailvars table, 23
keylogin, 427
keys (Diffie-Hellman authentication), conversion key, 428
keyserv daemon, restarting, 431
kinit (Kerberos command), 436
klist (Kerberos command), 436
Korn, David, 317
Korn shells, 317, 547
built-in commands, 319, 327-329
processing, 318
substitution, 338
command-line arguments
listing values, 325
shifting, 334-335
specifying, 332-333
debugging flags, 352-354
environment variables, 329-330
executing, 319
exit status, 349
flow control, 344
breaking loops, 348
for/foreach loops, 345
until loops, 348
while loops, 346-347
here documents, 336
input redirection, 330
interactive input, 335-336
operators, 358
output redirection, 330
parsing order, 354
path stripping, 323
pattern-matching operators, 323-324
quoting, 338
read command, 335
redirectors, 331
shell identification, 319
storing scripts, 320
testing for conditions, 339-343
if-then-else-elif-fi syntax, 339
user defined functions, 351-352
variables, displaying from command line, 321-322
see also shells commands; shells scriptskorn
ksrvtgt (Kerberos command), 436


L (mailer flag), 94
L macro definitions, syntax, 76
labels (NIS+ domains), 103
metasymbols, 83
rewriting rules, 83
LHS (Left-Hand Side), 79
libraries (PAM library), 440-441
license servers, 547
link objects (NIS+ namespace), 102
listen port monitor, configuring, 224
listen services, registering, 225
listenBSD, 547
listenS5, 547
Kerberos Version 4 tickets, 438
mounted file systems, 136
shell scripts, command-line argument values, 325
lists, recipient list (sendmail), 58
Ln (sendmail configuration option), 92
load limiting, 64
LOCAL credentials (NIS+ principals), 108-109
addresses, 10
mail, 32
alias files, 44
uucp connections, 33
configuring, 220-223
configuring with Admintool, 234-235
mail configuration, mailboxes, 8
SAF, configuring for modems, 193
variables, setting from command line, 322
locating, see finding
adjusting level, 64-65
ASET execution logs, 455-456
errors, syslogd program, 50
executable stacks, disabling, 391
files (system log files), 51-52
patch installation, 309
loghost, defining mail configurations, 50
login names, 547
controlling, 392
disabling, 419-420
failed attempts, saving, 420
Kerberos Version 4, 438
security information, monitoring, 417
logins command, 418-419
alias, preventing, 27
breaking, 348
flow control, 344
for/foreach, 345
until, 348
while, 346-347
low security (ASET security level), 451
lowercase letters, defining classes, 77
LP commands, troubleshooting hung computers, 250-251
LP print service, troubleshooting, 237-238
LP Scheduler, troubleshooting, 238


M (mailer flag), 94
m (sendmail configuration option), 92
-M msgid (command-line argument), 91
macros, 80
D macro definitions, 76
L macro definitions, 76
sendmail, 61, 76
modifying, 81
addresses, 547
clients, 8, 38, 547
administering, 47, 50
diagnostic information, 53
domains, 10-11
gateways, 6, 38 file, 6
two domains with one gateway, 35
two networks with one domain and router, 34
delivery policy statements, establishing, 88-89
hop count, 83
mailhosts, 6, 38
administering, 47, 50
forcing, 49
formats, 48
running old mail queue, 49-50
relay hosts, 5, 38
sendmail, troubleshooting, 53
servers, 7-8, 38, 547
administrative accounts, creating, 44
local mail configuration, 32
mail clients, 8
mailboxes, 8
components, 18-19
directory structure, 24-25
establishing, 39
preparing for implementation, 38
sendmail program, 26
terminology, 4
testing, 46
transport agents, 9
troubleshooting, 52
user agents, 9
systems, 5
transport agents, 9
Mail Exchange records, see MX records
mailboxes, 8
mailers, 9, 547
arguments, macros, 81-83
ddn, 10
declarations, sendmail, 61
descriptions, semantics, 86-88
descriptors, 67
error mailer, 86
ether, 10
interface requirements
specifying, 67
receiving mailers, 10
relay hosts, 41
ruleset 3
building, 88
smartuucp, 9
specifications, 5
mailhost, 547
mailhosts, 6, 38
mailstats program, 53 file (gateway configuration file), 42
access control, 392
physical site security, 392
printers, methods, 212
systems, Solaris Server Intranet Extension, 498-499
manual page direct maps, 142
map variables, 145
federated name service, /xfn entry, 138
password-mapping, PAM (Password Authentication Module), 439-440
maps, 134
auto_master map, adding entries, 140
automount maps, 137
creating, 140
direct maps, 137, 141-142, 157
home directory map, 137
automount maps, 140
indirect maps, 137, 141, 155
manual page direct maps, 142
map-name, 138
master maps, syntax of entries, 137
master files
ASET, 450-451
checklist files, 463
tune files, 459-462
uid_aliases files, 463
ASET master files,
master maps, 137, 547
syntax of entries, 137
master servers, mail alias administration (SunOS 4), 43-44
math and calculation reference table, 364
mathematical operators, 349-350
medium security (ASET security level), 451
cache, 544
write-through cache, 551
virtual memory, 551
message header editing, 58
message routers (sendmail), interfaces to outside world, 56
message timeouts (sendmail), tuning parameters, 63
appending domain specification, 87
ASET error messages, 476-477
body, formatting, 60
conflicting print status messages, troubleshooting, 253-254
collections (sendmail), 58, 60
delivering, 58, 60
load limiting, 64
transport agent, 9
displaying, echo command, 337
duplicates, 58
addressing, 28
delivery, 27
retransmission, 27
returning to sender, 28
header declarations, 61
headers, formatting, 60
hop count, 83
name service switch status messages, 114
queueing, 60
recipient names, syntax, 59
returning, 58
rewriting, Ruleset 3, 67
sending to files and programs, 59-60
C shell redirection metacharacters, 332, 362
escaping, 337
shell syntax, 363
metadevices, 547
metasymbols, 83
right-side metasymbols, syntax, 84-85
methods, 212
migrating NIS clients to NIS+, 112
name service switch, 113-115
models, NIS+ updating model, 112
modems, 547
bidirectional service, 194-195
dial-out service, 195
SAF, 191-199
with Admintool, 197
connection settings, 192-193
troubleshooting, 195-197
dial-in only default values, 197
Hayes-compatible modems, settings, 193
serial connections, 196
switch settings, 192-193
delivery (sendmail), 64
file modes (sendmail), temporary mode, 65
files (sendmail), 65
NIS+ compatibility mode, 112-113
sendmode files, 66
Modify (NIS+ access right), 110-111
ACL permissions, 412-413
aliases, 42
default admin files, 288
NIS+, access rights, 111
sendmail macros, 81
PAM (Password Authentication Modules), 440-441
adding, 448
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Mode), 390, 439
login security information, 417
setuid programs, 393-394
su command usage, 422-423
system use, 393
monitors, character terminals, configuring SAF for use, 200
mount, 548
command, 135-136
point, 548
points, 135
associating with shared directories, 142
home directory username, 140
locating map-name, 138
multiple servers, specifying, 143-144
weighting factors, specifying, 144
table, 136, 548
directories, maps, 134
file systems, 135-136
automounter, 136
files with Diffie-Hellman authentication, 434
files with Kerberos authentication, 437-438
mount-options, 138
see also map-names
multi-branching, 342-343
multiplication operator, 349-350
MX records (Mail Exchange records), 45
Mxvalue (sendmail configuration option), 92


-n (command-line argument), 90
n (mailer flag), 94
aliases, 42, 45-46, 52
domain names, partially qualified (NIS+), 104
filenames, stripping, 323
indexed names, 116
macros, sendmail configuration file, 76
shell scripts, 318-319
mailer names, defining, 86-88
NIS+ domains
partially qualified, 104
syntax, 103-104
recipient names, syntax, 59
rewriting rules (sendmail), 61
services, 136, 442
commands, 116
switch, 113-115
transitory, 269
namespace, NIS+, 99-102, 548
components, 101
directory objects, 102-103
global root, 103
principals, 103
table objects, 104-105
nested if statements, 342
Net Install Image, removing patches, 311
netgroup (org_dir table), 106
netmasks (org_dir table), 106
Diffie-Hellman administration, 430-434
Kerberos Version 4, 434-437
cables, troubleshooting, 196
connections, gateways, 6
domains, 99-100
subdomains, 100
file sharing, 421
firewalls, 394, 415-416
mail servers, local mail configuration, 32-33
NIS+, security, 107
ONC (Open Network Computing), 98
org_dir table, 106
privileged ports, 423
troubleshooting connections, 239-240
print servers, configuring, 223-225
enabling for print requests, 238
Solaris 2.6 printer support, 211
troubleshooting, 235-250
resources, describing with map entries, 141
security, 98, 391-393, 415-423
servers, collecting ASET reports, 473-474
services, Solaris Server Intranet Extension, 499
superusers, restricting access, 421-422
systems, 208
see also systems
NFS (Network File System), 548
automounter, 134, 136
automount maps, 137
master map, 137
mount points, 135
clients, 134-135
server, 134-135
NIS (SunOS 4.x Network Information Service), 548
automounter, mount points, 135
comparing with NIS+, 99
credentials, configuring for Diffie-Hellman authentication, 433-434
postmaster aliases, 45-46
NIS+ (Solaris 2.x Network Information Service), 148 548, 237
access rights, 110-111
administration, 115-116
aliases table, 16-17
authorization, 416
auto_master map, adding entries, 140
automounter, 136
automount maps, 137
master maps, 137
operation, 145-147
preparing for operation, 147-149
backward compatibility, 138
chmod command, 111
/var/nis directory, verifying, 129
cache manager, 129
commands, verifying, 129-130
configuring, 126-129
credentials, configuring, 126
requirements, 125
security, 124-125
verifying configuration, 129
commands, 116-118, 136
comparing with NIS, 99
compatibility with NIS, 112-113
credentials, configuring for Diffie-Hellman authentication, 108-109, 432
directory objects, 102-103
domains, 99-100, 103
domains, syntax, 103-104
indexed, 116
services, 114-116
namespace, 99-102
administering automounter, 134
link objects, 102
nischmod command, 111
nistbladm command, 111
objects, default owner, 111
postmaster aliases, 45-46
principals, 103
access rights, 110-111
authentication, 107-108
categories, 109
DES credentials, 108-109
LOCAL credentials, 108-109
rpc.nisd daemon, 107
scripts, 102
security, 107
tables, 102-103
displaying information, 119
objects, 104-105
security, 105, 111
sendmailvars table, 23
transaction log model, 112
updating model, 112
nis_cachemgr command, 117
NIS_PATH environment variables, setting, 119
nisaddcred command (NIS+), 117
nisbackup command (NIS+), 117
niscat command (NIS+), 117
niscat -h command (NIS+), 121
nischgrp command (NIS+), 117
nischmod command (NIS+), 111, 117
nischown command (NIS+), 117
nischttl command (NIS+), 117
nisdefaults command (NIS+), 117
nisgrep command (NIS+), 117
nisgrpadm command (NIS+), 117
nisinit command (NIS+), 117
nisln command (NIS+), 118
nisls command (NIS+), 118, 119
nismatch command (NIS+), 118
nispasswd command (NIS+), 118
nisping command (NIS+), 118
nisrestore command (NIS+), 118
nisrm command (NIS+), 118
nisrmdir command (NIS+), 118
nissetup command (NIS+), 118
nisshowcache command (NIS+), 118
nistbladm command (NIS+), 111, 118, 136
nistbladm -m command (NIS+), 116
nisupdkeys command (NIS+), 118
Nobody (NIS+ principal category), 110-111
nointr (automounter mount option), 138
nosuid (automounter mount option), 138
null modem cable, 548
numbering patches, 309


$o macro (sendmail), 81
o (sendmail configuration option), 92
O command, 78
directory objects, 102-103
link objects (NIS+), 102
NIS+, access rights, 110-111
table objects, 104-105
securing, 111
viewing access rights, 121
octal values, permissions, 396
Od option (sendmail configuration file), delivery mode setting, 63-64
OF option (sendmail), temporary file mode setting, 65
ONC (Open Network Computing), 98
OPEN LOOK (OpenWindows), 548
Open Network Computing, see ONC
OpenWindows, 548
operating automounter, prerequisites, 148-149
operating systems, kernel, 316
automounter, 145-147
PAM (Password Authentication Module), 440
Bourne shell mathematical operators, 367
C shell
mathematical operators, 367
path operators, 358
here document operators, 336
Korn shell operators,
path operators, 358
pattern-matching operators, 323-324
mathematical operators, 349-350
Option, 197
optional flag (PAM authentication modules), 443
options, 418-419
aset command, 469
automounter, mount options, 138
login command, 418-419
sendmail, delivery mode, 63-64
sendmail configuration file, setting, 78
Oq option (sendmail), load limiting, 64
order of application, rulesets, 67
org_dir (administrative directory), 102-103, 105-106 script, 384-385
OT option (sendmail configuration file), setting message timeout, 63
output, 330
printers, troubleshooting, 247-248
redirection, 330
shell scripts, 337-338
STDOUT (standard output), 330-331
overriding values, userId, 65
overview, system security, 391
Owner (NIS+ principal category), 110-111
ownership, files, 399
OX option (sendmail), load limiting, 64
-oxvalue (command-line argument), 91


$p macro, 83
adding, 288
command, 78
control line, sendmail configuration file, precedence definitions, 78
mailer flag, 94
package administration parameters, 286
adding, 288
commands, 548
admin, 284
cd, 291
pkgadd, 284, 288-290
pkgask, 284
pkgchk, 284, 292-293
pkginfo, 284, 293
pkgrm, 284, 294
vi, 284
configuration files, 284-287
absolute pathname, specifying, 286
action, 286
basedir, 286
conflict, 286
idepend, 285
instance, 285
partial, 285
rdepend, 285
runlevel, 285
setuid, 286
space, 286
custom installation, 301
displaying information, 293
installation base directory, selecting, 287
installing, 271-272, 287-292
print packages, 209
removing, 284, 294
pages, Web pages, SunSolve Online Public Patch Access, 308
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module), 390, 439
configuration file, 441-442
configuring, 446-448
error reporting, initiating, 447-448
flags, 442-445
implementation, 445-446
inserting, 448
types, 439
operation, 440
service names, 442
stacking, 439
pam_unix module (PAM module), 441
eeprom security parameter, checking with eeprom task (ASET), 454-455
package administration, 286
positional parameters (C shells), 333
message timeouts, 63
read timeout, 63
time values, 62
tuning, 62
process, 548
shell, 318
formatting recipient names, 59
RFC 822, interpretation, 68
addresses, 26-27, 57-58, 61, 548
order, shell scripts, 354
partial (package configuration file), 285
partially qualified domain names (NIS+), 104
partitions, 548
passwd (org_dir table), 106
Passwd database, 548
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module), 439-440
passwords, authentication,
Kerberos Version 4, 435-437
PAM , 439
see also PAM
patchadd command, 306, 309
patches, 306
accessing with ftp, 308
installing, 309-310
numbering, 309
removing, 311
requirements, 307
patchrm command, 306, 311
paths, 548
email delivery, 29
indirect maps, specifying, 137
names, 548
security, 393
C shells, 324
Korn shells, 323
pattern-matching operators, Korn shell, 323-324
PCFS (Personal Computer File System), 135, 548
periodic operation, ASET, 472-473
permissions, 270, 395-396, 412
ACL commands, 406-407
ASET master files, setting, 453
changing, 400
absolute mode, 401
copying, 413-414
directory permissions, 408
octal values, 396
security, executable stacks, 390-391
setting with ACL configuration files, 411-412
special file permissions, 402-403
sticky bits, 404
symbolic values, 400-401
UFS files, 407-408
write permissions, shell scripts, 319
permissive mode, 65
Personal Computer File System, see PCFS
piping, I/O, 363
pkgadd (package command), 284, 288-290
pkgask (package command), 284
pkgchk (package command), 284, 292-293
pkginfo (package command), 284, 293
pkgrm (package command, 284, 294
Pluggable Authentication Module, see PAM
pmadm command, 225
variable input, 229
(SAF), 193
pmtag variable (SAF commands), 189, 193
Pname (sendmail configuration option), 92
policies, automounting, 148
policy statements, establishing for mail delivery, 88-89
ports, 549
connections, troubleshooting, 239-240
initialize only--no connection default values, 204-205
initializing, 204-205
listen port monitor, configuring, 224
monitors, 549
privileged ports, 423
services, removing, 205
positional parameters, 549
C shells, syntax, 333
POSIX style print requests, 232
postmaster responsibilities, 47
PostScript filters, installing, 228
precedence definitions, sendmail configuration file, 78
automounter for operation, 147-148
installation, 302
mail service implementation, 38
PAM (Password Authentication Module) implementation, 445-446
prerequisites for automounter operation, 148-149
preventing alias loops, 27
principals, 549
see also NIS+, principals
clients, 208
configuring, 226
SunSoft Print Client, 230-231
packages, Solaris 2.6, 209
protocol adapter (Solaris 2.6), 210
queues, troubleshooting, 252-253
conflicting status messages, troubleshooting, 253-254
SunSoft Print Client,
process summary, 232
servers, 208
configuring, 223-225
system requirements, 212-213
service software, troubleshooting, 247-248
printers, 212
configuration resources,
SunSoft Print Client, 231-232
default printers, specifying, 220
descriptions, defining, 220
idle, troubleshooting, 251-252
local printers
configuring, 220-223
configuring with Admintool, 234-235
PostScript filters, installing, 228
print requests, enabling printers, 238
standard terminal settings
troubleshooting, 248-249
troubleshooting, 237
Printers window (Admintool), 233, 235
printing, 208-209
mail queues, 47
software, SunSoft Print Client, 210
private keys, Diffie-Hellman authentication, storage, 427
privileged ports, 423
privileges, update privileges, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
problems, see troubleshooting
gateway configuration, 42
mail client configuration, 40
mail server configuration, 39
mailhost configuration, 41
relay host configuration, 41-42
child processes, 318
command substitution, 338
communication, argument vector/exit status, 57
writing shell scripts, 320
processing, argument processing, 26-27, 57-58
programming shell scripts, 320
built-in shell variables, 324-325
command substitution, 338
concatenation, 322
date command, 322
debugging, 352-354
echo command, 322
exit status, 349
file descriptors, 330-331
flow control, 344-348
here documents, 336
input, 330
input redirection, 330
interactive input, 335
multi-branching, 342-343
nested if statements, 342
Korn shell pattern-matching operators, 323-324
mathematical operators, 349-350
output, 330
output redirection, 330
parsing order, 354
path stripping
C shell, 324
Korn shell, 323
quoting, 338
read command, 335
redirectors, 331
shifting command-line arguments, 334-335
specifying command-line arguments, 332-333
stripping filenames, 323
testing for conditions, 339-343
unset command, 323
user-defined functions, 351-352
variables modifiers,
C shell variable modifiers, 324
environment variables, 329-330
see also writing shell scripts
programming syntax reference table, 365
automount, 136
see also automounter
mailstats, 53
messages, queueing, 60
receiving messages, 59-60
remote login programs, 416
sendmail, 26, 58
address parsing, 57-58
adjusting logging level, 64-65
argument processing, 57-58
collecting email messages, 27
configuration, 59-61
control files, 60
daemon mode argument, 62
delivering messages, 60
delivery mode, 63-64
email addressing, 28
email delivery, 27
file modes, 65
header declarations, 61
implementing, 59
interfaces, 56
load limiting, 64
macros, 61
mailer declarations, 61
message collection, 58-60
message delivery, 58
message header editing, 58
name-rewriting rules, 61
queue files, 48
recipient name format, 59
required macros, 80-81
specifying alternative configuration file, 62
setuid programs, monitoring, 393-394
shell program, 316
syslogd program, 50
properties, sendmail configuration file, 59
propogation, update propogation, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
mailers, 9
org_dir table, 106
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 10
public keys, Diffie-Hellman authentication, storage, 427


$q macro (sendmail), 81
-q flag, queue interval setting, 62
q mode (sendmail delivery), 63-64
Qdir (sendmail configuration option), 92
qf files, 48
qlimit (sendmail configuration option), 92
-qtime (command-line argument), 91
files, troubleshooting, 49
intervals, sendmail arguments, 62
mail queues
administration, 47, 50
forcing, 49
formats, 48
printing, 47
retransmission queueing, 58
running old mail queues, 49-50
message queueing, 60
message timeout, 63
print queues, troubleshooting,
240, 252-253
send queue, message batching, 60
quoting, 338
quote characters, 362, 86-87
quoted strings, interpreting, 325


$r macro, 83
r (mailer flag), 94
-r name (command-line argument), 90
-R recipient (command-line argument), 91
rdepend (package configuration file), 285
Read (NIS+ access right), 110-111
permissions, see permissions
shell command), 335
timeout (sendmail), tuning parameters, 63
receiving mailers, 10
addresses, rewriting, Ruleset 2, 67
files, 59-60
lists (sendmail), 58
names, 59
programs, 59-60
print server disk configuration, 213
automounter policies, 148
records, MX (Mail Exchange), 45
redirection metacharacters, C shells, 332
redirectors, 331
reference tables
alias syntax, 364
Bourne shell mathematical operators, 367
C shells
$argv notation, 362
mathematical operators, 367
path operators, 358
redirection metacharacters, 362
common substitution, 364
environment files, 358
function syntax, 365
history syntax, 365
I/O redirection and piping, 363
Korn shell path operators, 358
math and calculation, 364
metacharacter shell syntax, 363
printing to the screen, 364
programming syntax, 365
quote characters, 362
reading from the keyboard, 364
shell built-in commands, 359-361
test and C shell built-in test, 365-366
tilde expansion, 364
variable shell syntax, 363
variables initialized by shell, 359
registering print servers, listen services, 225
hosts, 5, 38, 46 549
mailers, smartuucp, 9
remainder operator, 349-350
remote directories, automounter, 134
files, automounter, 134
hosts, copying files to local system, 139
login programs, 416
printing, troubleshooting, 237
server queue, troubleshooting, 252-253
systems, 416-417
access rights, 111
ACL entries, 413
files after installation, 303-304
packages, 284, 294
patches, 306, 311
port services, 205
replication, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
reporting security problems, 394
reports, ASET, 456-457
collecting on servers, 473-474
comparing, 458-459
format, 458
Request for Comments, see RFC
requests, print requests
enabling printers, 238
filtering, 251
styles, 232
SunSoft Print Clients, 232
troubleshooting conflicting status messages, 253-254
required Flag (PAM authentication modules), 443
required macros, sendmail, 80-81
automounter operation, 148-149
mail configuration, 4
mail servers, 7-8
mailers, 9
relay hosts, 5
user agents, 9
mail configurations
domains, 10-11
mailhosts, 6
one-domain, two-network mail configuration, 34
transport agents, 9
two domains, one gateway, 35-36
with two domains, 36
NIS+ clients, 125
patches, 307
system requirements, print servers, 212-213
requisite Flag (PAM authentication modules), 443
resolving addresses to internal form, 67
resource requirements
gateways, 42
mail clients, 40
mail servers, 39
mailhosts, 41
relay hosts, 41-42
describing with map entries, 141
diagnostic information, mail configurations, 53
printer configuration resources, SunSoft Print Client, 231-232
restarting keyserv daemon, 431
restoring files modified by ASET, 474-476
file access, 392-395
superuser access, 421-422
user authorization, 416-417
write access, 66
retransmitting email messages, 27
retransmission queueing, 58
settings, printers, troubleshooting, 250
messages (sendmail), 28, 58
Return-Receipt header, 79
rewriting rules, 67, 79
address rewriting rules, 80
left side, 83
recipient address, Ruleset 2, 67
right side, 84
semantics, 85-86
RFC (Request for Comments), 549
RFC 1006, 88
RFC 822, 67
special characters, interpretations, 68
rhosts_auth module (PAM module), 441
RHS (Right-Hand Side), 79
right side
rewriting rules, 84
metasymbols, syntax, 84-85
ro (automounter mount option), 138
root, 103, 549
route-based addressing, 9
routers, sendmail interfaces to outside world, 56
see also message routers
routing email messages, 28
see also sendmail
RPC (org_dir table), 106
rpc.nisd daemon, 107
Rserver (sendmail configuration option), 92
rtime (sendmail configuration option), 92
address rewriting rules, 79-80
left side, 83
right side, 84
ASET tune files, 462
rulesets, 67, 86-89
rewriting rulesets, semantics, 85-86
runlevel (package configuration file), 285
interactive operation, 469-472
periodic operation, 472-473
interactive lock-step interfaces, SMTP over pipes, 57
macros in sendmail, 61
shell scripts, 319
rw (automounter mount option), 138


$s macro, 83
S (mailer flag), 92, 94
SAC (Service Access Controller), 549
SAF (Service Access Facility), 178, 188
commands, 166, 188-189
pmadm, 193
ttyadm, 193
for character terminals, 200-202
configuring for modems, 191-199, 549
saving failed login attempts, 420
scalability, NIS+, 98
character terminals, configuring SAF for use, 200
printing reference table, 364
scripts, 337
example scripts, 367-386
NIS+, 102
shell scripts, 316
command substitution, 338
file descriptors, 330-331
here documents, 336
identifying, 319
input, 330
input redirection, 330
interactive input, 335
listing command-line argument values, 325
naming, 318-319
output, 330
output redirection, 330
quoting, 338
redirectors, 331
shell identification, 319
storing, 320
testing for conditions, 339-343
variables, 320
secure mode, sendmail, 65
Secure RPC, 416, 430-434
access control, maintaining, 392
access rights, 111
see also access rights
ACLs (Access Control Lists), 406
argument syntax, 407
commands, 406-407
directory permissions, 408
removing entries, 413
ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 393, 423
cklist task, 453
comparing report files, 458-459
Diffie-Hellman authentication, 430-434
eeprom task, 454-455
env task, 454
environment variables, 467-468
error messages, 476-477
execution logs, 455-456
firewall task, 455
interactive operation, 469-472
Kerberos Version 4, 434-437
master files, 450-451
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module), 390, 439
periodic operation, 472-473
reports, 456-458
restoring modified files, 474-476
security levels, 451-452
sysconf task, 454
tasks, 450
tune task, 453
usrgrp task, 453-454
authorization, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
default umask, 396-397
DES encryption (Data Encryption Standard), 426
Diffie-Hellman authentication, keylogin command, 427
directories, permissions, 395-396
environments, checking with env task (ASET), 454
executable stacks, 390-391
file administration commands, 397-398
file types, 397
files, 394-395
changing ownership, 399
permissions, 395
sharing, 421
viewing information, 398
firewalls, installing, 394
disabling, 419-420
monitoring, 417
saving failed login attempts, 420
networks, 392-393, 415-423
authentication, 416-417
firewalls, 415-416
privileged ports, 423
trusted hosts, 416
NIS+, 98, 107
access rights, 110-111
authentication, 107-108
clients, 124-125
hierarchical namespace, 99-102
tables, 105, 111
paths, 393
copying, 413-414
modifying ACL permissions, 412-413
octal values, 396
setting with ACL configuration files, 411-412
sticky bits, 404
symbolic values, 400-401
physical site security, 392
reporting problems, 394
restricting file access, 392
setuid programs, monitoring, 393-394
special file permissions, 402-403
su command, monitoring use, 422-423
superusers, restricting access, 421-422
systems, 391
UNIX files, user classes, 395
user login status, displaying, 417-418
mailer program, Ruleset 0, 67
mailhosts, 41
packages, installation base directory, 287
printer management method, 212
relay hosts, 41
semantics, 85-88
sender address, 67
binary data in email, 27
mail to files, 59-60
mail to programs, 59-60
sendmail, 26, 65, 549
$=w class, 83
address parsing, 57-58
address rewriting rules, 80
angle brackets, formatting recipient names, 59
argument processing, 57-58
arguments, daemon mode, 62
binary data, sending in email, 27
command-line arguments, 90-91
configuration file, 60-61, 66-67
building, 88
.cf file, 5-6
class definitions, splitting among different lines, 78
configuration options, 91-93
default precedence, 78
delivery mode, 63-64
example, 68-75
G command, 77
header lines, 79
L macro definition, 76
mailer flags, 93
parameters, tuning, 62
properties, 59
rewriting rules, 79
rule sets, 67
ruleset 3, building, 89
syntax, 75-76
specifying alternative, 62
control files, 60
double quotes, formatting recipient names, 59
duplicate email addresses, 27
email addressing, 28
files, modes, 65-66
.forward files, 24
header declarations, 61
implementing, 59
interfaces, 56-57
left-side metasymbols, 83
load limiting, 64
logging, adjusting level, 64-65
macros, 61
mailer arguments, macros, 81-83
mailer declarations, 61
mailer descriptions, semantics, 86-87
mailers, 9, 86
body, 60
collecting, 27, 58-60
delivering, 27, 58, 60
headers, editing, 58, 60
queueing, 60
returning, 28, 58
retransmission, 27
timeout parameters, tuning, 63
name-rewriting rules, 61
files, 48
intervals, 62
read timeout parameters, tuning, 63
list, 58
names, syntax, 59
required macros, 81
retransmission queueing, 58
rewriting rulesets, semantics, 85-86
right-side, metasymbols, 84
secure mode, 65
setting options, 61
SVR4, 4
temporary file mode, setting, 65
testing, 53
intervals, syntax, 62
value parameters, tuning, 62
transport agents, 9
unresolved mail, 5
user ID values, setting, 65
sendmail/SunOS 5, 44
communications, baud rate, 544
connections, 196
port devices, configuring, 188
servers, 134-135, 549
ASET reports, collecting, 473-474
license servers, 547
mail servers, 7-8, 38
clients, 8
configuring, 39
local mail configuration, 32-33
local mail configuration
mailbox, 8
multiple servers
specifying mount points, 144
syntax for map entries, 143
authentication, 107-108
security, 107
clients, 124-125
print servers, 208
configuring, 223-225
disk configuration recommendations, 213
specifying print clients, 226
system requirements, 212-213
troubleshooting file content, 240
resources, describing with map entries, 141
weighting factors, specifying, 144
Service Access Controllers, see SAC
Service Access Facility, see SAF
services, 549
bidirectional, configuring SAF, 194-195
dial-out, configuring SAF, 195
listen services
adding to Solaris 2.x systems, 224-225
registering, 225
mail services
components, 18-19
directory structure, 24-25
establishing, 39
operation, 27
preparing for implementation, 38
terminology, 4
modem services, 191
names (PAM), 442
patches, 311
port services, removing, 205
services (org_dir table), 106
session modules, PAM authentication, 439
setgid permission, 403-404
setting, 322
ACL file permissions, 410-411
ASET security levels, 451-452
delivery mode (sendmail), 63-64
file permissions from command lines, 410-411
NIS_PATH environment variable, 119
message timeout, 63
options, 61, 78
queue interval, 62-63
temporary file mode, 65
shell variables, 322
user ID values, 65
see also unsetting shell variables
setting up
local printers with Admintool, 234-235
print clients, 226-230
default stty (standard terminal) settings, 248-249
modems, Hayes-compatible modems, 193
umask settings, 397
permission, 402-403
programs, monitoring, 393-394
Sfile (sendmail configuration option), 92
sharing, 549
files, 421
with Diffie-Hellman authentication, 434
with Kerberos authentication, 437-438
shells, 317, 550
Bourne, 317
redirectors, 331
specifying command-line arguments, 332-333
built-in commands, 319, 327-329
C shells, 317
path stripping, 324
positional parameters, 333
redirection metacharacters, 332
specifying command-line arguments, 332-333
variable modifiers, 324
child processes, 318
built-in commands, 359-361
continue, 348
echo, 337
exit status, 349
processing, 318
read, 335
shift, 334-335
identifying, 319
initialized variables, 359
Korn shells, 317
path stripping, 323
redirectors, 331
specifying command-line arguments, 332-333
parent shell, 318
scripts, 316, 550
command substitution, 338
command-line arguments
shifting, 334-335
comment lines, 319
environment variables, 329-330
executing, 319
exit status, displaying, 326
file descriptors, 330-331
filenames, stripping, 323
flow control, 344-348
here documents, 336
initialization files, 317
input, 330
interactive input, 335
mathematical operators, 349-350
multi-branching, 342-343
naming, 318-319
output, 330, 337
output redirection, 330
quoted strings, interpreting, 325
quoting, 338
redirectors, 331
shell identification, 319
storing, 320
syntax, 363
variables, 320-325, 550
write permission, 319
writing, 320
shift (shell command), 334-335
shifting command-line arguments, 334-335
SIMS (Solstice Internet Mail Server), 499, 525-526
installing, 527-530
site security, 392
slashes (/), formatting usernames, 60
slice, 550
smartuucp, 9
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 10, 57
soft (automounter mount option), 138
Adminsuite, 501-505
AutoClient, 505-510
automounter, 544
DiskSuite, 510-511
installing, 511-513
installing, 299-303
Java IDL, 499, 530
installing, 531-532
network services, 499
print service software, troubleshooting, 247-248
SIMS (Solstice Internet Mail Server), 499, 525-526
installing, 527-530
Solaris 2.6
administration tools, 211-212
print packages, 208-209
Solstice Backup, 513-515
installing, 515-518
Solstice PPP, 500, 532-536
Sun WebServer, 499, 521-525
SunScreen SKIP, 500, 538
installing, 539-542
SunSoft Print Client, 210
system management, 498-499
system software, integrating SunOS 4 and SunOS 5, 43
TAS (TotalNET Advanced Server), 499, 518-521
third-party software, 550
Software window (Admintool), 303
Solaris 2.x, 208-209
administration tools, 211-212
print clients,
listen services, adding, 224
specifying, 226
troubleshooting printing problems, 241-247
print packages, 209
printer support, 211
print protocol adaptor, 210
shell scripts, naming, 318-319
SunSoft Print Client, 230-231
Solaris Server Intranet Extension CD-ROM, 498-499
Solstice AdminSuite, 417
Solstice Backup, 513-515
installing, 515-518
Solstice DiskSuite 4.1, 510-511
Solstice Internet Mail Server, see SIMS
Solstice PPP, 500
qualified modems, 192-193
3.0.1 release, 532
installing, 533-536
sorting, see parsing
space (package configuration file), 286
special file permissions, 402-403
absolute pathname, 286
argument vector templates, 87
command-line arguments, 332-333
default printer, 220
direct maps, 141-142
Hosts database, loghost, 50
indirect maps, 137, 141
mailer flags, 86
mailer interface requirements, mailer descriptors, 67
mount points, multiple servers, 143-144
PAM, control flags, 442
print clients, 226
Rulesets for sender address, Ruleset S, 67
sendmail, alternative configuration files, 62
splitting class definitions, 78
spooling space, 550
stacking, PAM authentication feature, 439
stacks, executable stacks, 390-391
standalone systems, 550
mailhosts, assigning, 7
patches, removing, 311
standard errors, 550
standard input, 550
standard output, 550
standard terminal default settings, 248-249
starting Admintool, 298-299
case statements, conditional testing, 342-343
if statements, conditional testing, 342
mail delivery policy statements, establishing, 88-89
STDERR (standard error), 330-331, 550
STDIN (standard input), 330-331, 550
STDOUT (standard output), 330-331, 550
sticky bits, 404
stopping ASET periodic operation, 473
keys, Diffie-Hellman authentication, 427
shell scripts, 320
concatenation, 322
quoted strings, interpreting, 325
C shell path stripping, 324
filenames, 323
Korn shell path stripping, 323
structure, domain addresses, 11
styles, print requests (SunSoft Print Clients), 232
su command, 422-423
subdomains, 100
submitting print requests, SunSoft Print Client, 232
subshells, 318
substituting shell script output, 338
subtraction operator, 349-350
sufficient Flag (PAM authentication modules), 444-445
suid (automounter mount option), 138
summary of SunSoft Print Client process, 232
Sun Site Web page, 307
Sun WebServer, 499, 521-522
installing, 523-525
SunOS 5.x,
aliases, 44
automounter, 134
see also automounter
mount table, 136
supported modems, 192
SunScreen SKIP, 500, 538
installing, 539-542
SunSoft Print Client, 210, 230-231
commands, 231
print requests, 232
printer configuration, 231-232
SunSoft Print-Source Compatibility, see SUNWscplp
SunSolve Online Public Patch Access Web page, 308
SUNWpcr (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
SUNWpcu (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
SUNWpsf (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
SUNWpsr (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
SUNWpsu (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
SUNWscplp (Solaris 2.6 print package), 209
superusers, 421-422, 550
support, printer support, Solaris 2.6, 211
suppressing standard errors, 330
svctag variable (SAF commands), 189-190, 193
modem settings 192-193
name service switch, 113-115
statements, conditional testing, 342-343
switching file ownership, 399
links, 550
mode changing permissions, 401
values (permissions), 400-401
ACL arguments, 407
aliases, 364
automounter, weighting factors, 144
C shell variables, 322
class definitions, 77
conditional testing, 339-343
configuration file, 66-67
D macro definitions, 76
direct maps, 141-142
fully qualified names, 119
function syntax, 365
H command, 78-79
here documents, 336
history syntax, 365
indexed names, 116
indirect maps, 141
L macro definitions, 76
manual page direct maps, 142
map entries, multiple servers, 143
mathematical operations, 349-350
metacharacter shell syntax, 363
name service switches, 115
NIS+ domains, 103-104
nisls command, 119
PAM configuration file, 441-442
pkginfo command, 293
positional parameters, 333
programming syntax, 365
recipient names, 59
right-side metasymbols, 84-85
rule definitions, 79
ruleset 3, converting addresses to canonical form, 86
sendmail configuration file, 75-76
shell scripts, quoting, 338
shell variables, 320
T command, 78
testing for conditions
if-then-else-elif-fi, 339
time intervals, 62
tune files (ASET), 462
variables, shell scripts, 322, 363
sysconf task (ASET), 454
syslogd program, 50
ASET, checking, 453
log files, 51-52
restoring, 474-476
requirements, print servers, 212-213
tables, checking with sysconf task (ASET), 454
systems, 550
client systems, 135, 310
see also clients
default printers, specifying, 220
domains, 99-100
file systems
listing, 136
mounting, 135-136
pcfs (personal computing file systems), 135
virtual file system table, 135
firewall protection, firewall task (ASET), 455
kernel, 316
mail configuration, 4
domains, 10-11
gateways, 6, 38
mail clients, 8, 38
mail servers, 7-8, 38
mailers, 9
mailhosts, 6, 38
relay hosts, 5, 38
transport agent, 9
user agent, 9
management, Solaris Server Intranet Extension, 498-499
monitoring use, 393
installing firewalls, 394
security, 392-393, 415-423
patches, installing, 306
print servers, 208, 226-230
adding listen port monitors to Solaris 2.x systems, 224
configuring, 223-225
remote systems, authentication, 416-417
security, 391
ASET, 450-451
physical sites, 392
servers, 135
see also servers
Solaris 2.6
executable stacks, 390-391
SunSoft Print Client, 230-231
Solaris 2.x
naming shell scripts, 318-319
troubleshooting printing problems, 241-247
SunOS 4.x, troubleshooting Solaris 2.x print clients, 244-247


$t macro, 83
-t (command-line argument), 90
T command, 78
tab settings, printers, troubleshooting, 250
environment files, 329, 358
mount table, 136
aliases, 16
displaying information, 119
org_dir directories, 105-106
security, 107, 111
sendmailvars table, 23
tables, 102-103
objects, 102-105
system tables
checking with sysconf task (ASET), 454
virtual file system table, 135
variables, 115
see also databases
TAS (TotalNET Advanced Server), 499, 518-519
installing, 519-521
tasks, ASET, 450
cklist task, 453
eeprom task, 454-455
env task, 454
firewall task, 455
sysconf task, 454
tune task, 453
usrgrp task, 453-454
TASKS variable (ASET), 468
technologies, authentication, 390, 439
templates, argument vector templates, specifying, 87
Terminal, 197
terminal-hardwired default values, 203
character terminals, configuring SAF for use, 200
connections, troubleshooting, 202-203
terminfo databases, 550
terminology, mail services, 4
test commands, 365-366
conditional testing
flow control, 339-348
if-then-else-elif-fi syntax, 339
sendmail, 53, 89-90
third-party software, 550
tickets, 438-439
tilde expansion reference table, 62, 364
TI-RCP (Transport-Independent RPC), 98
To header, 79
today variable, 322
Admintool, 298
configuring local printers, 234-235
configuring modems, 197
configuring print clients, 232-233
starting, 299
ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 393, 423
Solaris 2.6 printing software, administration tools, 211-212
TotalNET Advanced Server
see TAS
transmitting binary data in email, 27
transport agents, 9, 550
Transport-Independent RCP, see TI-RCP
triplets, 67
Trojan horses, 393
adding packages, 284
breakout box, 544
cables, 196
modem, 195-197
port, 239-240
terminal, 202-203
mail configurations, 52
print services, 237-238
commands, 250-251
software, 247-248
printing problems, 235-250
queue files, 49
sendmail, 53
standard terminal settings, 248-249
hosts, 416
users, defining, 78
Ttime (sendmail configuration option), 93
ttyadm command, 193
ttyadmin -h (SAF command), 188
ttyadmin -i (SAF command), 188
ttyadmin -r (SAF command), 189
ttylabel variable (SAF commands), 189-193
files (ASET), 459-462
task (ASET), 453
tuning sendmail parameters
message timeouts, 63
read timeout, 63
time value, 62
type variable (SAF commands), 189, 193
types, file types, 397


$u macro, 83
U (mailer flag), 94
UFS (UNIX file system), 135, 551, 407-408
UID number, 551
uid_aliases (ASET)
files, 463
variable, 468
umask, 396-397
umount command, 135-136
un (sendmail configuration option), 93
uncommitted interface, 551
UNIX, files
security, 394-395
user classes, 395
UNIX File System, see UFS
UNIX-to-UNIX command execution, see uux
unmounting, 135-136, 551
unresolved mail, 5, 551
unset command, 323
unsetting shell variables, 323
see also setting
until loops, 344, 348
privileges, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
propagation, comparing NIS+ with NIS, 99
updating model (NIS+), 112
URLs, CERT/CC, 394
User Account Manager, 551
user-defined functions, 351-352
username (home directory mount point), 140
usernames, formatting, slashes (/), 60
accessing remote files, 146-147
accounts, 551
agents, 9, 551
authorization, 416-417
directory permissions, 395-396
environment variables, 452-453
file permissions, 395
disabling, 419-420
displaying status, 417-418
NIS+ principals, 103, 107-108
superusers, restricting access, 421-422
usrgrp task (ASET), 453-454
AdminSuite Database Manager, 115
Admintool, 298
configuring local printers, 234-235
configuring modems, 197
configuring print clients, 232-233
Serial Ports, 193
starting, 299
ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 393, 423
automounter, operation, 145-147
shells, 316
Bourne shell, 317
built-in commands, 319
C shell, 317
Korn shell, 317
naming shell scripts, 318-319
Solstice Backup, 513-515
installing, 515-518
uucp connections, local mail configuration, 33, 46
files, 177
uux (UNIX-to-UNIX command execution), 9


$v macro, 83
v (sendmail configuration option), 93
Value column, NIS+ sendmailvars table, 23
admin files, defining, 287
command-line argument values, listing, 325
default values
bidirectional modems, 198-199
dial-in only modems, 197
initialize only--no connection default values, 204-205
terminal-hardwired, 203
exit status, 349
octal values, 396
sendmail, tuning parameter values, 62-63
shell variables, displaying, 322
symbolic values for permissions, 400-401
user ID, setting, 65
variables, 551
CKLISTPATH_level variable, 468
from command lines, 321-322
values, 322
environment variables, 329-330, 545
ASET, 452-453, 467-468
shells, 317
local variables, setting, 322
map variables, 145
SAF commands, 189-191
configuring modems, 193
dev-path, 190
pmtag, 189
svctag, 190
ttylabel, 191
shell variables, 322, 550
built-in shell variables, 324-325
C shell variable modifiers, 324
syntax, 336
unsetting, 323
UID_ALIASES variable, 468
YPCHECK variable, 468
see also environment variables
aliases, 52
connections to other systems, 53
NIS+ clients, 129-130
user account integrity, usrgrp task (ASET), 453-454
vi (package command), 284
Admintool, Modify Serial Ports window, 199
ASET reports, 457
file information, 398
NIS+ table information, 119
package information, 293
printer description, 220
table information, 120
table objects, access rights, 121
user login status, 417-418
variables from command lines, 321-322
file system table, 135
memory, 551
volume management, 479-496, 551
files, 481-484


$w macro, 83
Web pages, Sun Site, 307
weighting factors, servers, specifying, 144
while loops, 344, 346-347 script, 385-386
windows, Admintool
Add Access To Printer window, 233
Add Local Printer window, 235
Add Software Terminal window, 303
Add Software window, 300
Customize Installation window, 302
Delete Software window, 304
Modify Serial Port window, 199
Users window, 299
Winsor, Janice, 136
workstations, NIS+ principals, authentication, 107-108
World (NIS+ principal category), 110-111
wrappers, 265, 551
write access, restricting, 66
write permissions, shell scripts, 319
see also permissions
write-through cache, 551
writing shell scripts, 320, 330-331
see also programming shell scripts
WWW, patches, 307


$x macro, 82
X (mailer flag), 94
x (mailer flag), 94
xn (sendmail configuration option), 93
yn (sendmail configuration option), 93
You, 188
YPCHECK variable (ASET), 468
$z macro, 83
zn (sendmail configuration option), 93

Table of Contents