Supervised Diploma/Master's Theses
Supervision of 130 Diploma/Master's Theses. A sample follows.
- V. Devliotis (1977):
The State Space Approach to Nuclear Reactor Control
- G. Elias (1978):
Design of Optimal Controller with a Practical Laboratory Case Study
- P. Mourelatos (1979):
Stability and Control of Large Scale Energy Systems
- K. Rokkos (1980):
Exact and Approximate Decoupling Control of Multi-Core Nuclear Reactors
- C. Charalampopoulos (1981):
Decentralized Stabilization of Linear Large Scale Systems
- K. Skouras (1982):
Development of an Optimal Algorithm for System Reliability
- S. Tziakis (1983):
Fault Detection and Localisation in Aircrafts (AirForce Academy)
- V. Gorgas (1984):
Analysis and Design of Control Systems with Orthogonal Functions
- A. Tzes (1984):
A Study of the Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of Industrial Robots
- G. Tsichrintzis (1987):
An Expert System for Robot Selection
- C. Stellakis (1986):
Parallel Implementation of Control Algorithms via Microprocessors
- N. Papanikolopoulos (1987):
Use of Fuzzy Logic for the Parameter Tuning of PID Controllers
- I. Kanellakopoulos (1987):
Robust Robot Control
- C. Athanassiou (1990):
A Generalized Class of Petri Nets: Application to the Control of Discrete Manufacturing Systems
- G. Kouparoussos (1990):
Motion Programming of a SCARA Robotic Arm: Application to the IRAL RTX Robot
- S. Kaltsounis (1991):
Robotic Fruit Collector – Architectural, Design and Implementation Issues
- G. Tzolos (1992):
The Shafer-Dempster Methodology: Application to a Practical Fault Diagnosis Problem
- D. Kostis (1995):
Adaptive and Robust Control of a 2 D.O.F Flexible Joint Robot
- N. Moschos (1996):
Hybrid Fuzzy/Expert System for Pricing Policy Selection
- G. Pantelelis (1999):
Petri Nets in the Control of Discrete Event Systems: Application to a Robotic Crane
- K. Deliparaschos (1999):
Implementation and Testing of Variable-Time-Delays-Robust Telemanipulation through Master State Prediction (Work done at IRAL in the framework of a bilateral cooperation between the School of ECE of NTUA and the School of Engineering & Manufacture of De Montfort University, UK)
- P. Papaporfyriou (2001):
Time Series Forecasting via Fuzzy Systems: Economic Applications
- W. Von Emden (2002):
Symmetry on Fuzzy Control: Applications Implemented on the MATLAB (Work done in the framework of IASTED student exchanges)
- H. Gruschinski (2003):
Nonlinear PID and State Feedback Controller Design using MATLAB: Application to Benchmark Systems (Work done in the framework of IASTED student exchanges)
- S. Evers (2004):
Graphics in Robotic Systems via MATLAB (Work done in the framework of IASTED student exchanges)
- J. Tsianos (2005):
Algorithms for Optimal Cooperation and Supervision of Multi-Agent Systems and Applications
- S. Nikolaidis (2006):
Control of a Composite Inverted Pendulum – Robotic Acrobat via Neurofuzzy Techniques