2008 –
- K. M. Deliparaschos, K. Michail, S. G. Tzafestas and A. C. Zolotas, A Model-Based Embedded Control Hardware/Software Co-design Approach for Optimized Sensor Selection in Industrial Systems, MED'15: 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Torremolinos, Spain, 16-19 June, 2015.
- K. M. Deliparaschos, K. Michail, S. G. Tzafestas and A. C. Zolotas, Optimized Sensor Selection for Control: A Hardware-in-the Loop Realization FPGA for an EMS System, SysTol'13: 2nd Int. Conf. on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, Nice, France, 9-11 October, 2013.
- K. M. Deliparaschos, K. Michail, S. G. Tzafestas and A. C. Zolotas, AI-based Low Computational Power Actuator/Sensor Fault Detection Applied on a MAGLEV Suspension, MED'15: 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Platania-Chania, Crete, 25-28 June, 2013.
- G. Moustris, K. M. Deliparaschos, S. G. Tzafestas, Tracking Control Using the Strip-wise
Affine Transformation : An Experimental FPGA Design, ECC'09 : European Control Conference
2009, Budapest, Hungary, August 23-26, 2009.
- K. M. Deliparaschos, S. G. Tzafestas, FPGA Chip Design of Intelligent Control Systems
: A Review, PACET '2009 : Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications, Patras,
Greece, March 2009.
- D. Aristos and S. G. Tzafestas, Simultaneous Object Recognition and Position Tracking
for Robotic Applications 5th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM
2009), Malaga, Spain, April 14-17, 2009.
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. G. Rigatos, Machine Learning in Robotics and Control : An Overview
of Specific Recent Results, CISSE On-Line E-Conference : The Fourth International Joint Conferences
on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences and Engineering / International Conference on
Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation (IETA'08), December 5-13, 2008.
- S. G. Tzafestas, The Global Goal and Abilities of Intelligent Control (Invited : Panel
Session on Lights and Shadows of Intelligent Control), Proc. ECC'07 : European Control Conference
2007, Kos, Greece, pp.4444-4446, 2007.
- D. Deliparaschos, G. Moustris and S. G. Tzafestas, Autonomous SoC for Fuzzy Robot
Path Tracking, Proc. ECC'07: European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece, pp.5471-5478,
- D. Aristos, S. G. Tzafestas, Registration of a Known CAD Model into the Workspace Frame
of a Robot, Proc. ECC'07 : European Control Conference 2007, Kos, Greece, pp.2574-2581,
- K. Deliparaschos, G. C. Doyiamis and S. G. Tzafestas, A parameterized Genetic
Algorithm IP Core Design and Implementation, Proc. ICINCO'07 : 4th International
Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, Angers, France, 9-12 May
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Patterns, Storage and Recall in Quantum Associative
Memories, Proc. MATHMOD 2006 : 5th IMACS Intl. Symp. on Mathematical Modeling,
Tech. Univ. of Vienna, Austria (February 2006).
- G. G. Rigatos, A. P. Tzes and S. G. Tzafestas, Distributed Stochastic Search for Multi-Robot
Cooperative Behavior, Proc. IMACS Congress, Paris, France (July 2005).
- K. M. Deliparaschos, F. I. Nenedakis and S. G. Tzafestas, A Fast Digital Fuzzy Logic
Controller : FPGA Design and Implementation, Proc. ETFA 2005 : 10th International
Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 19-22 September, Catania –
Italy (2005).
- D. Aristos and S. G. Tzafestas, Simultaneous Robot – World and Hand – Eye
Calibration Using a Stereo Head of Cameras, Proc. IMB '05 : International Mediterranean Modeling
Multiconference + 17th European Simulation Symp. and Exhibition, Marseille, France
(October 2005).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Neural Structures for Quantum Information Processing,
Proc. ACIDCA – ICMI '05 : Intl. Conf. on Machine Intelligence, Tozeur, Tunisia
(November 2005).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Spectral Characteristics for Quantum Associative
Memories, Proc. CISSE '05 : Intl. Joint Conf. on Computer, Information and Systems Science
and Engineering, Univ. of Bridgeport, USA (December 2005).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, H∞Tracking of Uncertain SISO Nonlinear
Systems: An Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Approach, Proc. IEEE MED '04:12th Mediterranean
Conf. on Control and Automation , Izmir, Turkey (2004).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Adaptive Fuzzy Control for the Ship Steering Problem,
Proc. MechRob '04: IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mechatronics and Robotics , Aachen, Germany (Sept.
- L. Horvath, I. Rudas and S. G. Tzafestas, Process Based Associative Configuration of
Robot System with Extended Sets of Features, Proc. INES 2004 : IEEE Intl. Conf. on Intelligent
Engineering Systems , Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2004).
- G. K. Apostolikas and S. G. Tzafestas, Adding Exploration Dynamics to the QMDP Policy
for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes in Large Domains, Proc. CESA '03 : The
Multi Conference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (Signal Processing and
Cybernetics), Lille, France (July 2003).
- K. C. Zikidis and S. G. Tzafestas, ART – Based Neuro – Fuzzy Modeling Applied
to Reinforcement Learning, Proc. KES' 2003 : 7th Intl. Conf. on Knowledge –
Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Oxford, U.K. (Sept. 2003).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Fuzzy Modeling and Sensor Fusion with the Use of Extended
Kalman Filtering, Proc. HERCMA '2003 : 6th Hell. – Europ. Research on Computer
Mathematics and its Applications, Athens, Greece (Sept. 2003).
- E. N. Skoudrianos and S. G. Tzafestas, Mobile Robot Modeling Using Local Model Networks,
Proc. ECC '2003 : European Control Conference, Cambridge, U.K. (Sept. 2003).
- Y. Anthopoulos and S. G. Tzafestas, Steepest Descent Optimization with Variable Step
Size, Proc. ICCC '2003 : International Conf. on Computational Cybernetics, Sisfoh, Hungary
(August 2003).
- L. Horvvath, I. Rudas and S. G. Tzafestas, Relating Shape and Robot Model Features, Proc.
RAAD '03 : 11th Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region , Cassino, Italy (May
- L. Horvath, I. Rudas and S. G. Tzafestas, Human Intent Decription Based Intelligence
in Computer Modeling of Engineering Objects, Proc. ICCC '03: IEEE Intl. Conf. on Computational
Cybernetics, Siojok, Hungary (2003).
- J. K. Tar , I. Rudas , L. Horvath and S. G. Tzafestas, Adaptive Control
of the Double Inverted Pendulum Based on Novel Principles of Soft Computing, Proc. Intl. Conf.
in Memoriam of John von Neumann , Budapest, Hungary (2003).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas, Fuzzy Learning Compatible with Quantum Mechanics Postulates,
Proc. CINC '03 : Computational Intelligence and Natural Computation Conf. , North Carolina,
U.S.A. (2003).
- P. G. Zavlangas and S. G. Tzafestas, Integration of Topological and Metric Maps for Indoor
Mobile Robot Path Planning and Navigation, ΣΕΤΝ '2002 : 2ο Πανελλήνιο
Συνέδριο Τεχνητής
11-12 Απριλίου (2002).
- P. G. Zavlangas and S. G. Tzafestas, Hierarchical Motion Control System for Mobile Robot
Path Planning and Navigation, Proc. JUSFA '2002 Japan – USA Symposium on Flexible Automation,
Tokyo (2002).
- I. S. Akkizidis and S. G. Tzafestas, Navigation of a Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Clustering
Techniques, Proc. 11th Intl. Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region,
Balatonfured, Hungary June 30 – July 2 (2002).
- G. Apostolikas and S. G. Tzafestas, Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for Adaptive
Online Identification of Rapidly Time – Varying Nonlinear Systems with Optimal Adaptation
to New Structures, Proc. IEEE SMC '02 : Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet,
Tynisia, Oct., 6-9 (2002).
- K. C. Zikidis and S. G. Tzafestas, NeuroFAST : High Accuracy Neuro – Fuzzy Modeling,
Proc. IEEE AIS-02 : Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Systems, Gelendzhik, Black
Sea Cost, Russia, Sept 5 (2002).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Sp. N. Raptis and H. Karagiani, Optimal genetic representation of complete
strictly-layered feedforward neural networks, Proc. 6th Intl. Work Conf. on Artificial
and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN '2001), Canada, Spain, June 13-15 (2001).
- Sot. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, An iterative fuzzy image classifier based on fused
classification data, Proc. 2nd IEEE Region – 8 EURASIP Symp. on Image and
Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA '2001), Pula, Croatia, June 19-21 (2001).
- V. Potkonjak, S. G. Tzafestas and D. Djordjevic, Human – Like Behaviour of Robots
– A Viewpoint, Proc. Europ. Workshop on Service and Humanoid Robots (SERVICEROB '2001),
Santorini, Greece, June 25-27 (2001).
- P. G. Zavlangas and S. G. Tzafestas, Integrated Fuzzy Global Path Planning and Local
Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robots, Proc. Europ. Workshop on Service and Humanoid Robots
(SERVICEROB '2001), Santorini, Greece, June 25-27 (2001).
- E. Skoundrianos and S. G. Tzafestas, Fault Diagnosis Using Local Neural Networks, Proc.
Europ. Workshop on Intelligent Forecasting, Diagnosis and Control (IFDICON '2001), Santorini,
Greece, June 25-27 (2001).
- G. Apostolikas and S. G. Tzafestas, Estimator Design for the prediction of Interaction
Signals in Model – Based Control of Large Scale Systems, Proc. KTISIVIOS Panhellenic
Conf. on Automation, Robotics and Industrial Production, Santorini, Greece, June
28-30 (2001).
- J. Pantazopoulos and S. G. Tzafestas, Visibility Algorithms for the Navigation in Urban
Networks and Internal Spaces of Buildings, Proc. KTISIVIOS Panhellenic Conf. on Automation,
Robotics and Industrial Production, Santorini, Greece, June 28-30 (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas, Neural and Neurofuzzy Short Term Forecasting in
Electric Power Systems, Proc. KTISIVIOS Panhellenic Conf. on Automation, Robotics and Industrial
Production, Santorini, Greece, June 28-30 (2001).
- C. S. Tzafestas and S. G. Tzafestas, Mobile Manipulators : Full state modeling, motion
planning and control, Proc. 17th Intl. Conf. on CAD/CAM, Robotics and the Factories
of the Future (CARS & FOF '2001), Durban, South Africa, July 8-12 (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas, E. Kyriannakis, K. G. Arvanitis and N. Sigrimis, Decentralized predictive
control of the heat dynamics of a greenhouse, Proc. IFAC-CIGR Workshop on Intelligent Control
of Argicultural Applications, Bali, Indonesia, 22-24 August (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Model-free versus model-based adaptive control : Challenges and prospects,
Proc. XIV Intl. Conf. on Systems Science (SYSTEMS SCIENCE '2001), Wroclaw, Poland, Sept.
11-13 (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. S. Tzafestas, Advanced telemanipulator control : Design, intelligence
and virtual reality issues, Proc. ASME International / Greek Section Conf. on Recent Advances
in Mechanical Engineering, Patras, Greece, Sept. 17-20 (2001).
- K. C. Zikidis and S. G. Tzafestas, Adaptive neuro-fuzzy modeling applied to policy gradient
reinforcement learning, Proc. 5th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics
and its Applications Conf. (HERCMA '2001), Athens, Greece, Sept. 20-22 (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. M. Apostolides, Agent – Based Automated Economic / Business
Negotiation over the Internet, Proc. MS '2001 : Intl. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation in
Distributed Applications, Changsha / Human, China, Sept. 25-27 (2001).
- Sp. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, A novel generalized evolutionary scheme : Implementation
of a genetic meta-algorithm, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering
(ANNIE '2001), St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., Nov. 4-7 (2001).
- Sp. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, Training fuzzy systems using a hybrid genetic and
least squares algorithm, Proc. 10th IEEE Intl. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE
'2001), Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2-5 (2001).
- V. Potkonjak, S. G. Tzafestas, D. Kostic, G. Djordjevic and M. Rasic, Anthropomorphic
concepts and tasks for industrial robots, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Industrial Technology
(ICIT '2001), Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 19-21 (2001).
- S. G. Tzafestas , A. G. Sarris and P. A. Prokopiou , Design of a Telemanipulator
Using Nonlinear Anthropomorphic Arm as Slave, Proc. First National Symp. on Nonlinear Problems ,
National Tech. Univ. of Athens, Athens, Greece, January 21-22 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas , Human-Machine Interaction in Intelligent Robotic
Systems : A Unifying Consideration with Implementation Examples, Proc. MATHMOD'2000 : Third
IMACS Symp. On Mathematical Modeling , Vienna Univ. of Technology, Vienna, Austria, February
2-4 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas , C. E. Syrseloudis and G. G. Rigatos , Neurofuzzy Hybrid Position/Force
Control of Industrial Robots : A Simulation Study for the Milling Task, Proc. MATHMOD'2000
: Third IMACS Symp. on Mathematical Modeling , Vienna Univ. of Technology, Vienna, Austria,
February 2-4 (2000).
- P. Maragos, G. B. Stamou and S. G. Tzafestas, A Lattice Control Model of Fuzzy Dynamical
Systems in State Space, Proc. ISMM'2000 : Intl. Symp. on Mathematical Morphology and Its
Applications, Palo Alto, CA, June (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. Mekras , Knowledge Based Total Quality Management : Three Areas
of Application, Proc. MCPL'2000 : 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IEEE Conf. on Management and Control
of Production and Logistics , Lab. d' Automatique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, July 5-8
- S. G. Tzafestas , P. Poulos , G. Rigatos and A. Koukos , A Genetic Algorithm
for Warehouse Multi-Objective Optimization, Proc. MCPL'2000 : 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IEEE
Conf. on Management and Control of Production and Logistics , Lab. d' Automatique de Grenoble,
Grenoble, France, July 5-8 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas , M. G. Pantelelis and D. L. Kostis , Petri Net Modeling of a Palletizing
Robotic Cell Based on a Workpiece Material Classification, Proc. MIM'2000 : IFAC Symp. on
Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control , Univ. of Patras, Patras, Greece, July 12-14
- S. G. Tzafestas , G. A. Vagelatos and G. G. Rigatos , Design of Incremental Fuzzy
Supervisory Controllers for the Optimization of the Injection Milling Process, Proc. MED'2000
: 8th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation , Univ. of Patras, Patras,
Greece, July 17-19 (2000).
- G. G. Rigatos , S. G. Tzafestas and G. I. Evangelidis , Automated Parking of a
Nonholonomic Vehicle Using Fuzzy Learning Automata, Proc. INES'2000 : 4th IEEE
Int. Conf. on Intelligent Engineering Systems , Lubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 17-19 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas , A. Melfi and T. Krikochoritis , Modeling and Control of an Omnidirectional
Mobile Manipulator, Proc. BASYS'2000 : 4th IEEE/IFIP Intl. Conf. on Information
Technology for Balanced Automation Systems in Production and Transportation , Berlin, Germany,
Sept. 27-29 (2000).
- A. V. Topalov and S. G. Tzafestas , Layered Multi-Agent Reactive Behavior Learning in
a Robotic Soccer, Proc. SYROCO'2000 : 6th IFAC Symp. on Robot Control , Vienna
Univ. of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 21-23 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. M. Sgouros , Medical Applications of Intelligent Robotics : Imaging
and Virtual Reality, Proc. IMACS'2000 : 16th IMACS World Congress on Scientific
Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation , Lausanne, Switzerland, August 21-25 (2000).
- S. G. Tzafestas , E. S. Tzafestas and P. Maragos , Intelligent Forecasting : Fuzzy
/ Neuro-Fuzzy Methodologies with Case Studies, Proc. IFS'2000 : 3rd Europ. Workshop
on Intelligent Forecasting Systems for Refineries and Power Systems , Santorini, Greece,
June 7-8 (2000).
- T. Krikochoritis and S. G. Tzafestas , Singular Perturbation Control of a Flexible-Joint
Robot Using Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks, Proc. ASI'2000 : 'Life Cycle Approaches to
Production Systems : Management, Control, Supervision' , Bordeaux, France, September 18-20
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas , Intelligent Forecasting and Fault Diagnosis Using
Neural Estimators, IFS '99 : European Workshop on Intelligent Forecasting Systems , Vienna,
22-23 February (1999).
- P. A. Prokopiou , S. G. Tzafestas and W. S. Harwin , Variable Time-Delays-Robust
Telemanipulation Through Master State Prediction, 1999 IEEE/ASME Intl. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent
Mechatronics (AIM'99) , Atlanta, GA, USA, Sept.19-22 (1999).
- N. Mekras and S. G. Tzafestas , Knowledge Based Business Process Reengineering and Software
Design, 5th Int. Conf. of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI '99) , Athens,
Greece, July 4-7 (1999).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas , Fuzzy and Neural Adaptive Control of Multivariable
Systems Using Genetic Algorithms, 5th Intl. Conf. of the Decision Sciences Institute
(DSI '99) , Athens, Greece, July 4-7 (1999).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. S. Tzafestas , Virtual Reality in Telerobotics - An Overview and
Two Case Studies, Electrosoft '99 : The 4th Intl. Conf. on Software for Electrical
Engineering Analysis and Design , Seville, Spain, May 17-19 (1999).
- P. A. Prokopiou and S. G. Tzafestas , Scaling Teleoperation Robust to Variable Time-Delays,
ISARC '99 : 16th IAARC/IFAC/IEEE Intl. Symp. on Automation and Robotics in Construction ,
Madrid, Spain, September 22-24 (1999).
- C. S. Tzafestas and S. G. Tzafestas , Recent Algorithms for Fuzzy and Neurofuzzy Path
Planning and Navigation of Autonomous Mobile Robots, ECC '99 : European Control Conference ,
Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug. 31- Sept. 3 (1999).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. S. Tzafestas , Virtual Reality in Robotics and Control, ISIE
'99 : l999 IEEE Intl. Symp. on Industrial Electronics , Bled, Slovenia, July 12-16 (1999).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas , Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Control for Compliance
Tasks of Robotic Manipulators, EANN '99 : 5th Intl. Conf. on Engineering Applications
of Neural Networks , Warsaw, Poland, September 13-15 (1999).
- P. A. Prokopiou and S. G. Tzafestas , Neuropredictive Scaling Telemanipulation Robust
to Variable Time-Delays, EANN '99, 5th Intl. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks ,
Warsaw, Poland, September 13-15 (1999).
- G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas , Stability Analysis of a Sliding-Mode Fuzzy Logic Controller
Using Petri Nets Modelling and Learning Automata Theory, 7th Europ. Conf. on Intelligent
Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT '99) , Aachen, September 13-16 (1999).
- S. G. Tzafestas and P. G. Zavlangas , Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Navigation for Industrial Robotic
Manipulators, 1999 ICIMS-NOE Advanced Summer Institute : Production Systems Management, Control
and Supervision (ASI '99) , Leuven, Belgium, September 22-24 (1999).
- T. E. Krikochoritis and S. G. Tzafestas , Control of Flexible Joint Robots Using Neural
Networks, Electromotion '99 : 3rd Intl. Symp. on Advanced Electromechanical Motion
Systems , Patras, Greece, July 8-9 (1999).
- D. L. Kostis , E. S. Tzafestas and S. G. Tzafestas , A Matlab-Based Graphical Toolbox
for Control System Analysis and Design Education (COSADET), EAEEIE'99 : 10th EAEEIE
Annual Conf. on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering , Capri,
Italy, May 17-20 (1999).
- S. G. Tzafestas and J. Pantazopoullos , A Pilot Distance Learning Engineering Program
: General Considerations and the "Expert Systems Course" Example, EAEEIE'99 : 10th EAEEIE
Annual Conf. on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering , Capri,
Italy, May 17-20 (1999).
- Y. A. Anthopoulos and S. G. Tzafestas , A Hierarchical Multi-Layer Architecture for High
Generalization in Pattern Recognition with Multi-Layer Perceptrons, IFIP TC7 Conf. on System
Modelling and Optimization , Cambridge, UK, July 12-16 (1999).
- P. A. Prokopiou and S. G. Tzafestas , Hammerstein-Type Human Arm Models Assisting in Variable-Time-Delays
Robust Telemanipulation, 3rd Natl. Congress on Computational Mechanics , Volos,
Greece, 24-26 June (1999).
- Sot. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas , Towards a method of Optimally Selecting the Number
of Fuzzy Clusters through Consideration of Fuzzy Membership Matrix, EIS '98 : Intl. Symp.
on Engrg. of Intelligent Systems , Tenerife, Spain, Feb.11-13 (1998).
- P. Piamsa-nga , N. A. Alexandridis , G. Blankenship , G. Papakonstantinou ,
P. Tsanakas and S. G. Tzafestas , A Unified Model for Multimedia Retrieval by Content,
CATA '98 : Intl. Conf. on Computers and their Applications , Honolulu, Hawai, 25-28 March
- S. G. Tzafestas and Sp. N. Raptis , Genetic Design of Fuzzy Systems Based on a Novel Representation
Scheme, Intl. Symp. on Signal Processing and Cybernetics , Tunisia, April 1-4 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas , Sensor-Based Intelligent Robots : Industrial and
Health-Care Case Studies, CESA '98 : The Multiconference on Computational Engineering in Systems
Applications , Tunisia, April 1-4 (1998).
- M. Kotsis and S. G. Tzafestas , Optimal Control of Rigid and Flexible Parallel Robots
: A Simulation Study, AARTC '98, 5th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures
for Real-Time Control , Cancum, Mexico, April 15-17 (1998).
- G. B. Stamou and S. G. Tzafestas , A Method for Fuzzy System Modelling and Fuzzy Decision
Making, AII '98: Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Industry : From Theory to Practice ,
High Tatras, Slovakia, April 22-24 (1998).
- E. S. Tzafestas , J. - D. Mathieu and S. G. Tzafestas , Overview and Experimental
Evaluation of Potential Field-Based Robot Navigation, ISR '98 : The 29th Intl.
Symp. on Robotics , Birmingham, England, April 27-30 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and P. A. Prokopiou , Error Distribution to Partitioned Neural Controllers
Identifying the Robot Dynamic Model, ISIAC '98-WAC, 2nd Intl. Symp. on Intelligent
Automation and Control , Anchorage, Alaska, May 10-14 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , A New On-Line Structure-and-Parameter Neurofuzzy Learning
Architecture for Fuzzy Systems Modeling, 11th Intl. Conf. on Industrial & Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IEA-AIE '98) , Castellon, Spain, June 1-4 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. B. Stamou , A New Solution Methodology for Fuzzy Relation Equations,
11th Intl. Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(IEA-AIE '98) , Castellon, Spain, June 1-4 (1998).
- P. Piamsa-nga , N. A. Alexandridis , S. Srakaew , G. Blaakenship ,
G. Papakonstantinou , P. Tsanakas and S. G. Tzafestas , Multi-Feature Content-Based
Image Retrieval, CGIM '98 : Computer Graphics and Image Conference , Halifax, Canada,
June 1-3 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas , L. Laliotis and M. Protonotarios , Decision Support and Artificial
Intelligence in GIS : Overview and Applications, CAEA '98 : First IFAC Workshop on Intelligent
Control Applications and Ergonomics in Agriculture , Athens, Greece, June 14-17 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas , E. Kyriannakis and G. Apostolikas , Decentralized Predictive
Control of Large Scale Systems Using Neuro-Fuzzy Identifiers for their Interconnections, CAEA
'98 : First IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Control Applications and Ergonomics in Agriculture ,
Athens, Greece, June 14-17 (1998).
- Sp. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas , Genetic Evolution of Neural Networks Using Subpopulation
Schemes, SOFTCOM '98 : IMACS/IFACS Intl. Symp. on Soft Computing in Engineering Applications ,
Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- M. A. Symeonaki , G. B. Stamou and S. G. Tzafestas , Fuzzy Markov Systems for the
Description and Control of Population Dynamics, SOFTCOM '98 : IMACS/IFAC Intl. Symp. on Soft
Computing in Engineering Applications , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- P. Maragos and S. G. Tzafestas , A Lattice Calculus Unification of Min-Max Control Systems
of the Morphological and Fuzzy Type, SOFTCOM '98 : IMACS/IFAC Intl. Symp. on Soft Computing
in Engineering Applications , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- P. Piamsa-nga , N. A. Alexandridis , S. Srakaew , G. Blankeship ,
G. Papakonstantinou , P. Tsanakas and S. G. Tzafestas , Content-Based Audio Retrieval
Using a Generalized Algorithm, SOFTCOM '98 : IMACS/IFAC Intl. Symp. on Soft Computing in Engineering
Applications , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas , S. N. Desypris and D. L. Kostis , Singular Perturbation-Based
Control of Flexible-Joint Robots, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent
Systems and Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and D. L. Kostis , A MATLAB-Based User Friendly Graphical Environment
for Control System Analysis and Design, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent
Systems and Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. G. Rigatos , Robot Adaptive Control Based on Neural Network and
Fuzzy Self Tuning Systems, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems
and Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. Mekras , Forecasting Using Knowledge Based Techniques and Artificial
Neural networks, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and
Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- P. A. Prokopiou , W. S. Harwin and S. G. Tzafestas , Enhancement of a Telemanipulator
Design with a Human Arm Model, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent
Systems and Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- P. A. Prokopiou , W. S. Harwin and S. G. Tzafestas , Exploiting a Human Arm Model
for Fast, Intuitive and Time-Delays-Robust Telemanipulation, EURISCON '98 : 3rd European
Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conf. , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and J. Pantazopoulos , An Efficient Algorithm for Rendering Parametric
Curves, EURISCON '98, 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conf. ,
Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- M. P. Tzamtzi and S. G. Tzafestas , Recent Results on Analysis Problems for Uncertain
Control Systems, EURISCON '98, 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control
Conference , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- P. Maragos and S. G. Tzafestas , Min-Max Control with Application to Discrete Event Dynamic
Systems, EURISCON '98, 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference ,
Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and L. N. Laliotis , Current Techniques in Distributed Sensor Networks
and Connection with GIS and AI, EURISCON '98, 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent
Systems and Control Conference , Athens, June 22-25 (1998).
- M. P. Tzamtzi and S. G. Tzafestas , Stability Robustness of Nonlinear Systems Amenable
to Feedback Linearization, NOLCOS '98 : IFAC Intl. Symp. on Nonlinear Control Systems Design ,
Enschede, The Netherlands, July 1-3 (1998).
- P. Zavlangas , S. G. Tzafestas and K. Althoefer , Navigation for Robotic Manipulators
Employing Fuzzy Logic, Proc. IDPT '98 : 3rd World Conference on Integrated Design
and Process Technology , Berlin, July 6-9 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas , E. Kyriannakis and G. Apostolikas , A Fuzzy Adaptive-Predictive
Scheme for the Decentralized Control of a Class of Interconnected Systems, LSS '98 : 8th
IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symp. on Large Scale Systems : Theory and Applications , Patras,
Greece, July 15-17 (1998).
- P. A. Prokopiou , W. S. Harwin and S. G. Tzafestas , Fast Intuitive and Time-Delays-Robust
Telemanipulator Designs Using a Human Arm Model, SIRS '98 : Intl. Symp. on Intelligent Robotic
Systems '98 , Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 21-23 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , Autonomous Robot Navigation by a Multi-Module Neural
System, 2nd MOBINET Symp. : Mobile Robotics Technology for Health Care Services ,
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 22-23 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. G. Rigatos , A Simple Robust Fuzzy-Logic Sliding-Mode Controller
of the Diagonal Type, BASYS '98 : 3rd IEEE/IFIP Int. Conf. on Balanced Automation
Systems , Prague, August 26-28 (1998).
- M. P. Tzamtzi and S. G. Tzafestas , On the local Input-to-State Practical Stability of
Feedback Interconnected Systems, UKACC CONTROL '98 , Swansea, U.K., Sept. 1-4 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. Mekras , Forecasting Using Knowledge-Based Systems and Artificial
Neural Networks, 12th Natl. Operational Research Symp. , Samos, Greece, Sept.
6-8 (1998).
- Sp. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas , A Blueprint for a Genetic Meta-Algorithm, EUFIT
'98 : Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks - Evolutionary Computation , Aachen, Germany, Sept. 7-10
- S. G. Tzafestas and Sot. N. Raptis , A Combination of Classical Techniques on a SOM-Type
Neural Network Platform, EUSIPCO '98 : IX European Signal Processing Conference , Island
of Rhodes, Greece, Sept. 8-11 (1998).
- C. S. Tzafestas , G. G. Rigatos and S. G. Tzafestas , Design of Fault-Tolerant
Control Systems : Passive and Active Approaches, SYSTEMS SCIENCE XIII Intl. Conf. , Wroclaw,
Poland, Sept.15-18 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , Mobile Robot Localization Using Ultrasonic Sensor
Signatures and Fuzzy ARTMAP Clustering, Joint VIRGO-MOBINET-SMART Workshop , Santorini,
Greece, Sept 17-18 (1998).
- G. B. Stamou and S. G. Tzafestas , Neural Fuzzy Relational Systems, HERCMA '98 : 4th
Hellenic-European Conf. on Computer Mathematics and Its Applications , Athens, September
24-26 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas and Sot. N. Raptis , A Study of a Novel Efficient Methodology for Interactive
Fuzzy Image Clustering - A Further Investigation of a Novel 3-Level Fuzzy Segmentation Scheme
Based on Local Image Connectivity in Space and Frequency Domains, ICIP '98 : 1998 IEEE Intl.
Conf. on Image Processing , Chicago, Illinois, October 4-7 (1998).
- G. G. Rigatos , C. S. Tzafestas and S. G. Tzafestas , Robust Fuzzy-Logic Velocity
Control of a Mobile Robot for Moving Obstacle Avoidance, IMACS-CSC '98 : 2nd IMACS
Intl. Conf. on Circuits, Systems and Computers , Piraeus, Greece, Oct. 26-28 (1998).
- Sot. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas , Comparison of Two Fuzzy Pixel Clustering Algorithms
: The Optimal Number of Clusters Issue, IMACS-CSC '98 : 2nd IMACS Intl. Conf. on
Circuits, Systems and Computers , Piraeus, Greece, Oct. 26-28 (1998).
- Sp. N. Raptis , S. G. Tzafestas and G. Carayannis , Genetic Algorithms for Voice
Source Parameter Estimation in a Synthesis-by-Analysis Framework, ICSLP '98 : 5th Intl.
Conf. on Spoken Language Processing , Sydney, Australia, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4 (1998).
- S. G. Tzafestas , G. G. Rigatos and E. J. Kyriannakis , Regulation of GMA Welding
Process Features Using Neural Adaptive Control, Proc. IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing Systems
: Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control (MIM '97) , Vienna, Feb. 5-7 (1997).
- C. S. Tzafestas , S. G. Tzafestas and P. A. Prokopiou , Incremental Control of
Three Cooperating Robots in Large-Object-Transfer Operations, Proc. 2 nd MATHMOD : Mathematical
Modelling IMACS Symposium , Vienna, Feb. 5-7 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , An On-Line Learning, Neuro-Fuzzy Architecture Based
on Functional Reasoning and Fuzzy ARTMAP, Proc. 2nd Symp. on Fuzzy Logic Applications
(ISFL '97) , Zurich, Feb.12-14 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. J. Kyriannakis , GMA Welding Process Regulation via Hierarchical
GPC with Assured Stability, Proc. 4th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures
for Real Time Control , Vilamura, Portugal, April 9-1 l (1997).
- N. Katevas , S. G. Tzafestas , D. Koutsouris and S. G. Pneumatikatos , The
SENARIO Autonomous Navigation System, Proc. 1 st Mobinet Symp. on Mobile Robotics Technology
for Health Care Services (MOBINET '97) , Athens, Greece, May 15-16, pp. 87-99 (1997).
- N. Katevas and S. G. Tzafestas , Local Mobile Robot Path Planning : A New Technique Based
on Active Kinematic Histogram, Proc. 1 st Mobinet Symp. on Mobile Robotics Technology for
Health Care Services (MOBINET '97) , Athens, Greece, May 15-16, pp. 195-204 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , Complete Mobile-Robot Navigation via Neurofuzzy Control,
Proc. 1 st Mobinet Symp. on Mobile Robotics Technology for Health Care Services (MOBINET'97) ,
Athens, Greece, May 15-16, pp. 205-217 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , T. E. Krikochoritis and C. S. Tzafestas , Robust and Adaptive
Control of Biped Robot Walking, Proc. 1st Mobinet Symp. on Mobile Robotics Technology
for Health Care Services (MOBINET'97) , Athens, Greece, May 15-16 pp. 271-286, (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , P. A. Prokopiou and C. S. Tzafestas , Robust Telemanipulator
Control using a Partitioned Neural Network Architecture, Proc. 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. On Neural
Networks (ICNN'97) , Houston, Texas, June 9-12 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , E. J. Kyriannakis and G. G. Rigatos , Adaptive Controllers for
the Regulation of the Geometrical and Thermal Characteristics of GMA Welding, Proc. Int. Conf.
on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM'97) , Middlesborough, Cleveland,
June 25-27 (1997).
- K. Galkowski , N. J. Theodorou and S. G. Tzafestas , Non Standard State-Space Models
for 2-D Systems, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Advances in Communication and Control
(COMCON'97) , Corfu, Greece, June 23-27 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , P. A. Prokopiou and C. S. Tzafestas , Telemanipulator Neurocontrol
Using Multiple RBF Networks, Proc. Int. IEEE Symp. on Intelligent Control (ISIC'97) ,
Instanbul, Turkey, July 16-18 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , A 3-Level Neurofuzzy Autonomous Robot Navigation System,
Proc. 1997 European Control Conf. (ECC'97) , Brussels, July 1-4 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and Y. Anthopoulos , Neural Networks based Sensorial Signal Fusion : An
Application to Material Identification, Proc. 13th Conf. on Digital Signal Processing
(DSP'97) , Santorini, Greece, July 2-4 (1997).
- M. Kotsis and S. G. Tzafestas , Linear Observer-Based Control of a Strongly Non-Linear
and Flexible Model of a Parallel Link Manipulator, Proc. ICIMS-NOE Conf. on Life Cycle Approaches
to Production Systems, Management, Control and Supervision (ASI'97) , Budapest, Hungary,
July 14-17 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , T. E. Krikochoritis and C. S. Tzafestas , A Robust-Adaptive Locomotion
Controller for 9-Link Bipeds with Rapidly Varying Unknown Parameters, Proc. 5th IEEE
Medit. Conf. on Control Theory and Applications (MediCon'97) , Paphos, Cyprus, July 21-23
- S. G. Tzafestas , Y. Anthopoulos and E. J. Kyriannakis , Neural Fault Detection
and Accommodation for Interconnected Power Systems, Proc. IFAC Symp. on Fault Detection, Supervision
and Safety for Technical Processes (SAFEPROCESS'97) , Kingston Upon Hall, U.K., Aug. 26-28
- S. G. Tzafestas , E. S. Tzafestas , A. Marinos and P. Behrakis , A Respiration
Status Diagnosis System Based on Measurements of the Blood Gases, Proc. IMACS World Congress
'97 , Berlin, Germany, Aug. (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and T. E. Krikochoritis , Sliding-Mode Locomotion Control of 9-Link Biped
Robots, Proc. IMACS World Congress '97 , Berlin, Germany, Aug. (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas and Sp. N. Raptis , Neural Networks for Inverse Robot Kinematics, Proc.
3rd ECPD Conf. on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation , Bremen, Germany,
Sept. 26-28 (1997).
- Sot. N. Raptis , S. G. Tzafestas , S. Pavlopoulos , D. Koutsouris and
S. Kollias , Growing Region Technique in the Detection of Autonomous Structures Within X-Ray
Radiographs, 1997 IEEE Medical Imaging Conf. (MIC'97) , Albuquerque, NM, USA, Nov.13-15
- S. G. Tzafestas , Robotics in the Service of Medicine, Proc. Fourth Panhellenic Conf.
on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Athens, Dec.13-14 (1997).
- S. G. Tzafestas , C. C. Zikides and G. B. Stamou , A neural network system with
reinforcement learning driven by a fuzzy knowledge - based system : Application to autonomous
robots, SOCO '96 : Intl. ICSC Symp. on Soft Computing : Fuzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks
and Genetic Algorithms , Reading, U.K., March (1996).
- N. Katevas , Y. Anthopoulos , E. Spyropoulou and S. G. Tzafestas , Material
and object recognition for car disassembly robotic systems, WAC '96 : Second World Automation
Congress , Montpellier, France, May (1996).
- S. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas , A fuzzy controller with self formating rules supervised
by an expert system for robot path planning in unknown environments, ISIAC '96 First Intl.
Symp. on Intelligent Automation and Control , Montpellier, France, May (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas , Y. Anthopoulos , S. Raptis , N. Katevas and E. Spyropoulou ,
Design and functional issues of an intelligent car-disassembly robotic cell, Intl. IMACS /
IEEE Symp. on Robotics and Cybernetics , Lille, France, July, pp. 629-636 (1996).
- K. Watanabe , Y. Shiraishi , J. Tang , T. Fukuda and S. G. Tzafestas ,
Construction of the dynamic model for omnidirectional mobile robot, Intl. IMACS / IEEE Symp.
on Robotics and Cybernetics , Lille, France, July, pp. 643-648 (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and M. Tzamtzi , Robust Control and motion design for mobile robots in
a time - varying environment, Intl. IMACS / IEEE Symp. on Robotics and Cybernerics , Lille,
France, July, pp.1274-1277 (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and M. Tzamtzi , An alternative relaxed sufficient condition for the robust
stability of uncertain matrices, Intl. IMACS/IEEE Symp. on Control Optimisation and Supervision ,
Lille, France, July, pp.1274-1277 (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and J. Kalat , Analysis of time and space varying parabolic distributed
systems via Walsh expansions, Intl. Symp. on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation , Lille,
France, July (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas , G. B. Stamou , S. Roumeliotis and N. Papadopoulos , Design
and implementation of a fuzzy-logic-based expert-system for flexible robotic assembly, Intl.
Workshop on Developments in Industrial Control Systems : Tools and Applications , Thessaloniki,
Greece, October (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and Y. Anthopoulos , Multi-network architecture for high generalization
in pattern recognition with backpropagation neural networks, l996 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics , Beijing, China, October (1996).
- N. I. Katevas , Y. Anthopoulos , E. Spyropoulou and S. G. Tzafestas , Innovative
sensory system for object recognition and material identification, employed in a robotic cell
for automatic car disassembly, 27th Intl. Symp. on Industrial Robots , Milan,
Italy, October (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. B. Stamou , Knowledge-based concepts and techniques in automated
assembly : a case study using fuzzy reasoning, 1996 ICIMS-NOE ASI : CIM Europe Advanced Summer
Institute on "Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems : Management, Control and Supervision ,
Toulouse, France, June (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. B. Stamou , Fuzzy logic level-2 based neural network with applications
to system modelling, 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symp. on New Directions in Control
and Automation , Chania, Crete, Greece, June (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. Kyriannakis , Implementation of exact model matching in large scale
systems with m-step delay sharing information pattern, 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symp.
on New Directions in Control and Automation , Chania, Crete, Greece, June (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and P. Prokopiou , Sliding-mode robust control of master-slave telemanipulating
systems, Proc. Second ECPD Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and Active Systems
, Vienna, Austria, September (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. C. Zikidis , A mobile robot guidance system based on three neural
network modules, Proc. Second ECPD Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent Automation and
Active Systems , Vienna, Austria, September (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas , S. Raptis and J. Pantazopoulos , Vision-based trajectory planning
for a robot mounted welding gun, Proc. Second ECPD Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Intelligent
Automation and Active Systems , Vienna, Austria, September (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas , S. Raptis and N. Moschos , A Hybrid Pricing Expert System Based
on Fuzzy Reasoning, Natl. Symp. of Artificial Intelligence (Greek Soc. of AI) , Athens,
December (1996).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Y. Anthopoulos and N. Katevas, Neural networks vs. bayesian estimation
for mobile robots using occupancy grids, Proc. MFI'96 : 1996 IEEE/SICE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Multisensor
Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems , Washington, D. C. USA, Dec. (1996).
- N. I. Katevas, S. G. Tzafestas, A. Ikonomopoulos, M. Bishop, D. Koutsouris, R. Preuss and
P. Rabischong, SENARIO : The autonomous mobile robotics technology for the locomotion Handicap
: Operational and Technical Issues, Proc. 2nd Tide European Congress, Paris,
France April (1995), Also Published in: The European Context for Assistive Technology (J.P.
Porrero and R.P. dela Basacca, eds), IOS Press , pp. 371-374 (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas and J. Koumblis, Study of inventory planning policies for exponentially
varying demand, Proc. Intl. Symp. on System Modelling Control, Zakopane, Poland, May
- N. I. Katevas and S. G. Tzafestas, Path planning algorithms for mobile robots among polygonal
obstacles, Proc. 3rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real
Time Control (AARTC '95) , Ostend, Belgium, May (1995).
- N. E. Mastorakis, S. G. Tzafestas and N. J. Theodorou, Algorithms and complexity of m-D
polynomial factorization into linear m-D factors, Proc. COMCON 5 : 5th Intl.
Conf on Advances in Communication and Control , Chania, Crete, Greece, June (1995).
- G. Kapsiotis and S. G. Tzafestas, Model based predictive control for generalized production
planning problems, Proc. ASI '95 : ESPRIT Advanced Summer Institute on Life Cycle Approaches
to Production Systems , Lisbon, Portugal June (1995 ).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Neural networks in robotics : The-state-of-art, Proc. ISIE '95 :
IEEE Intl. Symp. on Industrial Electronics , Athens, Greece, pp. 12-20, July (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, E. Kyriannakis and G. Kapsiotis, Decentralized model-based predictive
control of large-scale systems, Proc. Third IEEE Mediterranenan Conf. on Control and Automation ,
Limassol, Cyprus, July (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. B. Stamou, A flexible robotic assembly klowledge-based system
using fuzzy reasoning, Proc. Intl. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mechatronics , Istanbul,
Turkey, August (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, T. Pimenides and G. Kapsiotis, Expert decision support based on the
generalized network model: An application to transportation planning, Proc. EUROSIM : 1995
Simulation Congress , Vienna, Austria, September (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, N. Mastorakis and N. J. Theodorou, A study of the effect of an input
on the state variables of discrete-time LTI systems, Proc. XII Intl. Conf. on System Science ,
Wroclaw, Poland, September (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Fuzzy and neural approaches to robot control, Proc. First ECPD Conf.
on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation , Athens Greece, September (1995).
- A. D. Zagorianos, D. L. Kostis and S.G. Tzafestas, Robust adaptive feedback linearization
control of flexible joint robots, Proc. First ECPD Intl. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent
Automation , Athens, Greece, September (1995).
- G. B. Stamou, S. N. Raptis and S. G. Tzafestas, An agent-like architecture for autonomous
robot motion in unknown environment, Proc. First ECPD Intl. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and
Intelligent Automation , Athens, Greece, September (1995).
- N. I. Katevas and S. G. Tzafestas, Analysis of the risk detection and avoidance architecture
for indoor autonomous mobile robots, Proc. First ECPD Intl. Conf. on Advanced Robotics and
Intelligent Automation , Athens, Greece, September (1995).
- P. J. Dalianis, S. G. Tzafestas and G. Chalamandaris, Neural networks in robot control
: A comparative case study using backpropagation and radial basis function networks, Proc.
First ECPD Intl. Conf. on advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation , Athens Greece, September
- S. G. Tzafestas, E. Kyriannakis and Y. Anthopoulos, Neural estimation and MBPC of large
scale systems with non classical information pattern, Proc. 1995 IFAC Intl. Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence in Real-Time Control , Bled, Slovenia, Nov.29-Dec.1 (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, N. Katevas, E. Spyropoulou, J. Anthopoulos and S. Raptis, Intelligent
integrated robotic system for car disassembly, Proc. National Workshop on Modern Automatic
Control Technologies , Greek Technical Chamber, Athens, Greece, Dec. (1995).
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Frangakis and V. Prival, Simulation of a robotic control system :
PID and autonomous trajectory generating schemes, Proc. MATHMOD Vienna Conf. , Vienna,
Austria, Vol. 4, pp. 593-597, February (1994).
- Jaworska, T. Laski and S. G. Tzafestas, Robustness simulation study of classical and
adaptive control applied to the AUTOMELEC ACR robotic manipulator, Proc. MATHMOD Vienna Conf. ,
Vienna, Austria, Vol. 4, pp.633-641, February (1994).
- P. J. Dalianis and S. G. Tzafestas, An investigation of the application of neural networks
to the diagnosis of chemical engineering processes, SPRANN'94 : Intl. Symp. on Signal Processing,
Robotics and Neural Networks, Lille, France, April (1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Zagorianos, A solution to the velocity control of redundant robots,
SPRANN'94 : Intl. Symp. on Signal Processing, Robotics and Neural Networks, Lille, France,
April (1994).
- Zagorianos, S. G. Tzafestas and P. Dimou, Global optimisation technique for velocity
control of redundant robots, Joint Hungarian / British Mechatronics Conf. , Budapest,
Hungary, September (1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and F. V. Hatzivassiliou, Design and Validation of a smart tactile sensing
unit for intelligent robotic systems, 2nd IFAC Symp. on Intelligent Components
and Instruments for Control Applications (SICICA '94), Budapest, Hungary, June (1994).
- N. Mastorakis, S. G. Tzafestas and N. Theodorou, A reduction method for multivariable
polynomial factorization, SPRANN'94 : Intl. Symp. on Signal Processing, Robotics and Neural
Networks, Lille, France, April (1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and P. Dalianis, Fault diagnosis in complex systems using artificial
neural networks, 3rd IEEE Conf. on Control Applications , Glasgow, U.K., August
- S. G. Tzafestas and M. P. Tzamtzi, Robustness of a spectral assignment method applied
to the system of a flexible beam, 2nd IEEE Medit. Symp. on New Directions in Control
and Automation , Chania, Crete, Greece, June(1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Stamou, A fuzzy path planning algorithm for autonomous robots
moving in an unknown and uncertain environment, Procs. EURISCON'94 : European Robotics and
Intelligent Systems Conf. , Malaga, Spain, Vol. 1, pp. 140- 149, August (1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Vagelatos, Functional Projection and generalized model based predictive
control, ESPRIT Advanced Summer Institute (ASI) on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Industrial
Automation (CIMIA) , Univ. of Patras, Rion, Greece, June (1994).
- S. G. Tzafestas and P. Dalianis, An Expert Data Rejection System for Industrial Plants,
Procs. EURISCON'94 : European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conf. , Malaga, Spain,
Vol. 2, pp. 568-575, August (1994).
- Zagorianos, E. Kontoyannis and S. G. Tzafestas, Resolved motion model-based predictive
control of redundant robots, 2nd IMACS Symp. on Mathematical and Intelligent Models
in System Simulation , Brussels, Belgium, Vol. 2, pp. 214-225,April (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Kapsiotis, PID self-tuning control combining pole-placement and
parameter optimization features, 2nd IMACS Symp. on Mathematical and Intelligent
Models in System Simulation , Brussels, Belgium, Vol. 2, pp. 30-40, April (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Kapsiotis, An integrated multi-product dynamic production model,
APMS'93: Intl. Conf. on Advances in Production Management Systems , Athens, Greece, IFIP
Trans. (I.A. Pappas, I.P. Tatsiopoulos, eds), Vol. B-13, pp. 201-208, North-Holland, Sept. (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G.B. Stamou, A Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with improved performance,
AIENG'93 : Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering , Toulouse, France, June
- M. Raibert, S. G. Tzafestas and C. Tzafestas, Comparative study of three control techniques
applied to a biped robot, 1993 IEEE/SMC Conf. on Systems Engineering in the Service of Human ,
Le Tourquet, France, Vol. 1, pp. 494-502, Oct. (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Vagelatos, On the inverse design problem of GMBPC, IEEE Medit.
Symp. on New Directions in Control Theory and Applications , Chania, Crete, Greece, June
- S. G. Tzafestas, F. V. Hatzivassiliou and S. Kaltsounis, Robotic fruit collector : A
fuzzy logic solution to the non-destructive fruit collection problem, COMCON' 4 : 4th
Intl. Conf. on Advances in Communication and Control , Rhodes, Greece, June (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas, A. Triantafyllakis and G. Rizos, A new heuristic approach for scheduling
dependent tasks on identical machines to minimize the makespan, IEEE Medit. Symp. on New Directions
in Control Theory and Applications , Chania, Crete, Greece, June (1993).
- K. Watanabe, T. Fukuda and S. G. Tzafestas, A force control method using the relative
motion between the manipulator and a workpiece, 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney,
Australia, July (1993).
- S. G. Tzafestas, P. Dalianis and J. Christou, Diagnosis of multiple simultaneous faults
of complex systems : An expert system implementation for the automotive domain, EUFIT'93 :
First Europ. Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies , Aachen, Germany, Vol. 1, pp.
393-399, September (1993).
- G. Frangakis, S. G. Tzafestas and P. Dalianis, HEMEDES : A hybrid environment for the
development of knowledge-based medical diagnosis-therapy systems, First Newcastle Intl. Conf.
on Quality and its Applications , Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, pp. 407-414 (J. Chan, ed.),
September (1993).
- K. Watanabe, K. Hara and S. G. Tzafestas, Fuzzy controller design using the mean-value-based
functional reasoning, Intl. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks , October (1993).
- P. J. Dalianis, S. G. Tzafestas and Y. Anthopoulos, A Study of the Generalization Capability
versus Training in Backpropagation Neural Networks, 1993 IEEE/SMC Conf. on Systems Engineering
in the Service of Human , Le Tourquet, France, Vol. 4, pp 485-490, Oct. (1993).
- K. Watanabe, S. Jin and S. G. Tzafestas, An iterative learning fuzzy control for multi-link
manipulators, Proc. IMACS/SICE Intl. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
(RM 2 S'92) , Kobe, Japan, September (1992).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. Valavanis, Intelligent Systems in Manufacturing, Proc. IMACS/SICE
Intl. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (RM 2 S'92) , Kobe, Japan,
September (1992).
- K. Watanabe and S. G. Tzafestas, Fuzzy logic controller as compensator in the problem
of tracking control of manipulators, Proc. IFToMM-jc Intl. Symp. on Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms , Nagoya, Japan, September (1992).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. Athanassiou, An enhanced Petri nets environment : Graphic aids
and performance evaluation issues, Proc. IMACS Intl. Symp. on Modelling and Control of Technological
Systems , Lille,, France , May (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Robotics in European educational institutions, Proc. IMACS Intl.
Symp. on Modelling and Control of Techological Systems , Lille, France, May (1991).
- Athanassiou and S. G. Tzafestas, Flexible Petri net modelling environment for intelligent
robot cells, Proc. EURISCON'91 : The Europ. Robotics and Intell. Syst. Conf. , Corfu,
Greece, June (1991).
- K. Watanabe, K. Shiramizu, T. Fukuda and S. G. Tzafestas, An iterative learning control
for noisy systems by using linear neural networks, Proc. EURISCON'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- F. Hatzivassiliou and S. G. Tzafestas, A path planning method for mobile robots in a
structured environment, Proc. EURISCON'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- E. S. Tzafestas and S. G. Tzafestas, An overview of robot path planning: Assessment for
integration, EURISCON'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- A. Triantafyllakis and S. G. Tzafestas, Optimal grouping of dependent tasks for parallel
scheduling, Proc. P.D. COM'91 : IMACS / IFAC Symp on Parallell and Distributed Computing ,
Corfu, June (1991).
- K. Watanabe, T. Fukuda and S. G. Tzafestas, Generalized predictive controls for linear
stochastic systems by using a state space approach, Proc. P. D. COM'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- N. Mastorakis, N. Theodorou and S. G. Tzafestas, Multidimentional transfer function factorization
using the state space approach, Proc. P.D.COM'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- G. Kapsiotis and S. G. Tzafestas, Decision making for inventory / production planning
with model based predictive control, Proc. P.D.COM'91 , Corfu, June (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas, Intelligent FMS control using the blackboard model,
Proc. ECC'91 : Europ. Control Conf. , Grenoble, France, July (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. Watanabe, Some results on the estimation and control of faulty
dynamic systems, Proc. ECC'91 : Europ. Control Conf. , France, July (1991).
- A. Triantafyllakis and S. G. Tzafestas, Parallel scheduling of tasks with AND/OR dependencies,
Proc. IMACS Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics , Dublin, July (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, A. Zagorianos and A. Grafakou, Model-based predictive control scheme
with application to robots, Proc. IMACS Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics ,
Dublin, July (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, I. Jaworska and T. Laski, Robustness study of two simulated manipulator
control algorithms, Proc. IMACS Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, Dublin,
July (1991).
- K. Watanabe, T. Fukuda and S. G. Tzafestas, An adaptive control for CARMA systems using
linear neural networks, Proc. IMACS Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics ,
Dublin, July (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Second generation diagnostic expert systems : Requirements, architectures
and prospects, Proc. SAFEPROCESS'91 : IMACS/ IFAC Intl. Symp. on Fault Detection and Safety
for Technical Processes , Baden-Baden, Germany, Sept. (1991).
- A. Zagorianos, S. G. Tzafestas and G. Stavrakakis, On-line discrete-time control of industrial
robots, Proc. IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symp. on Robot Control : SYROCO'91 , Vienna, Austria, September
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Vagelatos and G. Kapsiotis, An enhanced generalized model-based predictive
control algorithm, Proc. 30th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control , Brighton,
U.K., December (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, J. Christou and Y. Yip, Multi-fault diagnosis of digital systems using
nonmonotonic reasoning, Proc. 30th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control , Brighton,
U.K., December (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas and H. Verbruggen, Intelligent control : An overview of concepts, techniques
and applications, Proc. 30th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control , Brighton,
U.K., December (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas, N. Konstantinidis and G. Saroglou, E.S.I.D. – An Expert System
for the Diagnosis and Therapy of Infectious Diseases, Proc. IMACS Intl. Symp. on Modelling
and Control of Technological Systems, Casablanca, Morocco, May 7-10 (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. Konstantinidis, ENGEXP : An Expert System for Equipment and Automotive
Engine Fault Detection and Repair, Proc. Joint Intl. Conf. on Factory Automation and Information
Management (FAIM'91) Limerick, Ireland, March 13-15 (1991).
- S. G. Tzafestas and F. Hatzivasiliou, Human-computer interface : artificial intelligence
and software psychology issues, Proc. Europ. Conf. on Geographical Information Systems (EGIS'90),
Amsterdam, April, 11-13 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Zagorianos, Robot model reference adaptive and model based predictive
control : The ROBOTCON software package, Proc. CIM-Europe Workshop (ESPRIT CIM) on
Computer Integrated Design of Controlled Industrial Systems , pp. 215-223, Paris, April 26-27
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. Watanabe, Modern approaches to system/sensor fault detection and
diagnosis, Proc. Intl. Symp. on Intelligence and Quality (IBRA-BIRA), Brussels, May 10-15
- S. G. Tzafestas and E. S. Tzafestas, The blackboard architecture in knowledge based robotic
systems, Proc. ASI on Expert Systems and Robotics , Corfu, Greece, July 16-27 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Kapsiotis and S. Reveliotis, A dual algorithm for post-optimization
of the generalized network optimal flow problem, Proc. Operations Research 90 Conf. (DGOR
/ OGOR/ GMOOR / SVOR), Vienna, Aug. 28-31 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas, A Elianos and G. Saroglou, BIOEXP : an expert system for therapeutical
use in pneumonia treatment, Proc. IMACS/IFAC Symp. on Mathematical and Intelligent Models
in System Simulation, (MIM-S² '90), Brussels, Sept. 3-7 (1990).
- N. Mastorakis, S. G. Tzafestas and N. Theodorou, A simple multidimensional polynomial
factorization method, Proc. IMACS/IFAC Symp. on Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System
Simulation, (MIM-S² '90), Brussels, Sept. 3-7 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. Athanassiou, Discrete event simulated execution of Petri net models
using AI techniques, Proc. IMACS/IFAC Symp. on Mathematical and Intelligent Models in System
Simulation, (MIM-S² '90), Brussels, Sept. 3-7 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas and H. Schneider, Integrated approach to computer-aided multi-supplier
/ multi-distibutor operations in the automotive industry, Proc. 23rd Intl. Symp.
on Automotive Technology and Automation, (ISATA '90), Vienna, Dec. 3-7 (1990).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. Athanassiou, Flexible Petri nets for rapid prototyping of robotic
cells, Proc. 23rd Intl. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation, (ISATA
'90), Vienna, Dec. 3-7 (1990).
- F. V. Hatzivasiliou and S. G. Tzafestas, Human-computer intelligent interface design
using software psychology, Proc. 5th Intl. Symp. on Computer and Information Sciences
(ISCIS V), Cappadocia, Oct. 30 - Nov. 3 (1990).
- Y. Stephanedes, S. G. Tzafestas, C. Botsaris and E. Kwon, Optimal control of nonlinear
transportation systems, Proc. 29th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Honolulu,
Hawaii, Dec. (1990).
- K. Watanabe and S. G. Tzafestas, A U-D Fixed – Interval Smoother in Backward –
Pass Realization, Proc. 3rd IFAC Symp. on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal
Processing (ACASP '89), Glasgow, April 19-21 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Stavrakakis and L. Dritsas, Performance Analysis of the Computed
Torque Control Method for Robotic Manipulators with Fast Actuators, Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf.
on Control and Applications (ICCON '89), Jerusalem, April 3-6 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Petri – net and Knowledge – Based Methodologies in Manufacturing
Systems, Proc. ESPRIT CIM Europe Conf., Athens, May 17-19 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. M. Plouzennec, An Expert System Prototype for Robot Task Planning,
Proc. IFAC Intl. Symp. on Advanced Information Processing in Automatic Control (AIPAC '89),
Nancy, France July 3-7 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Zagorianos, A Dynamic Approach to the Velocity Control of Redundant
Robots, Proc. IFAC Workshop on Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing, Geneva, Sept.
18-21 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Kehriotis, A Hybrid Expert System for 2-D/3-D Object Recognition,
Int. Conf. on Expert Systems for Systems Development, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 1-3 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Intelligent Robotic Systems : Overview and Integrated Examples, Proc.
IMA Conf. on Robotics : Appl. Mathematics and Computational Aspects, Loughborough, July
12-14 (1989).
- S. G. Tzafestas, B. Kalobatsos, G. Stavrakakis and A. Zagorianos, Some Results Concerning
the Autonomous Trajectory Generation and Adaptive Control of Industrial Robots, Proc. 6th
IMC Conf. on Manufacturing Technology, Dublin, Ireland, Aug. (1989).
- N. Theodorou, A. Kanellakis and S. G. Tzafestas, A Method for Computing the Stability
Margin of 2-D Discrete Systems, Proc. IFAC, Intl. Symp. on Systems Structure and State-space
Polynomial Methods, Prague, Sept. (1989).
- I. Jaworska and S. G. Tzafestas, Improvement of Systems Reliability using Robust Control
Theory, Proc. Intl. Symp. on Systems Science, Wroclaw, Poland, Sept. (1989).
- L. Dritsas and S. G. Tzafestas, An Algorithm for Robust Control Via the FCT and MRAC
Algorithms, EURINFO '88, Athens, May 16-20 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. Papanikolopoulos, Intelligent PID Control Based on Fuzzy Logic,
IFAC Symp. on Distributed Intelligence Systems Methods and Applications, Varna, June 27 –
July 1 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas, N. Theodorou and A. Kanellakis, Stability of Multidimensional Systems
: Overview and New Results, 1988 IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '88), Helsinki,
June 7-9 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. Watanabe, Stochastic Control Algorithms for Systems with Markovian
Faulty Sensors, IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Paris, July 18-22 (1988).
- K. Watanabe and S. G. Tzafestas, A New Generalized Pseudo-Bayesian Estimation for Discrete
– Time Systems with Jump Failure Parameters, IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation,
Paris, July 18-22 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas, L. Dritsas and J. Kanellakopoulos, Robust Robot Control : A Comparison
of Three Techniques Through Simulation, IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Paris,
July 18-22 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas and L. Palios, Improved Diagnostic Expert System Based on Bayesian Inference,
IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, July 18-22 (1988).
- G. Stassinopoulos and S. G. Tzafestas, Problems and Prospects of Adaptive Robot Control
Applications, IFAC Symp. on Robot Control (SYROCO '88), Karlstuhe, Oct. 5-7 (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Expert Systems in CIM Operations : Key to Productivity and Quality,
3rd Int. Symp. on Systems Analysis and Simulation, Berlin, GDR, Sept. 12-16
- G. Stavrakakis, A. Zagorianos and S. G. Tzafestas, Combined Euler – Lagrange /
Newton – Euler Robot Modelling and Identification, IMACS Symp. Syst. Model & Simul.
(SMS '88), Cosenza, Calabria, Sept. 18-21 (1988).
- A. Kanellakis, N. Theodorou and S. G. Tzafestas, On the Stability Analysis of Multi –
dimensional Systems, IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, July 18-22 (1988).
- K. Watanabe and S. G. Tzafestas, Generalized Fixed – Interval Smoothers for Discrete
– Time Systems with Predictive Information, 8th IFAC / IFORS, Symp. on Identification
and System Parameter Estimation, Beijing, China, Aug. 27-31 (1988), pp. 667-612 (Chen Han-Fu,
ed.) Pergamon (1988).
- S. G. Tzafestas and M. Skolarikos, On the Sensor Fault Detection of Large – Scale
Systems Using the Overlapping Decomposition Approach, 2nd Europ. Workshop on FDR-KBA,
pp. 113-129, UMIST, Manchester, April (1987).
- K. Watanabe and S. G. Tzafestas, A Hierarchical Multiple Model Adaptive Control for Stochastic
Systems with Instrument Failures, 2nd Europ. Workshop on FDR-KBA, pp. 263-279,
UMIST, Manchester, April (1987).
- G. Kartsounis and S. G. Tzafestas, Moving Object Displacement Estimation Using Second
– Order Models : A Robotic Vision Example, Intl. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing
(V. Capellini, A. Constantinides, Editors), pp. 703-710, Florence, Sept. (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Control, Intl. Symp. AI, Expert
Systems and Languages in Modeling and Simul., Barcelona, June (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Ligeza, Expert Control and Decision Making, Intl. Symp. AI,
ES and Languages in Modelling and Simul., June (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Stavrakakis and A. Zagorianos, Dynamic Decomposition and Adaptive
Control of a Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Robotic Manipulator, 10th IFAC World Congress
on Automatic Control, Munich, July (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Impact of Distributed-parameter and Large-Scale Systems Theory on the
Computer Control of Modern life Systems, IMACS / IFAC Intl. Symp. on Modelling and Simul.
of DPS , Hiroshima Oct., (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas and K. Kanoh, Dynamic Studies of Flexible Robot Manipulators, IMACS/IFAC
Intl. Symp. on Modelling and Simul. of DPS, Hiroshima, Oct., (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Expert Systems in Process Fault Detection and Supervisory Control, 1st
Intl. Conf. IAM : Informatics, Paris, June, (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Zagorianos, An Iterative Technique for Velocity Control of Redundant
Robotic Manipulators, 1st Intl. Conf. IAM : Informatics, Paris, June, (1987).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Y. J. Stephanedes and C. Botsaris, Optimal Control of Single and Multi
Objective Dynamic Transportation Systems, IFAC Symp. Large Scale Systems, (Zurich, Aug.
26-29), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. P. Frangakis, On Microcomputer – Based Simulation of Linear
Multivariable Systems, IMACS-IFAC Symp. on Model. and Simulation for Control of L & DPS, pp.
719-723, (Lille, June 3-6), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Control of Industrial Robots : The State
– of – Art, IMACS – IFAC Symp. on Model. and Simul. for Control of L & DSP,
pp. 445-458, (Lille, June 3-6), (1986).
- N. J. Theodorou and S. G. Tzafestas, On Minimal Realization of Multidimensional Discrete
Systems, IMACS – IFAC Symp. on Model and Simul. for Control of L & DSP, pp. 633-639,
(Lille, June 3-6), (1986).
- G. P. Frangakis, S. G. Tzafestas, Correction Formulas and Circuits in Binary Logarithm
Computing Systems, Fifth Polish – English Symp. on Real Time Process Control, (Warsaw,
Sept. 8-12), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. I. Stassinopoulos, A Decentralized Robot Control Scheme
with Self-Tuning PID Controllers, AFCET-IASTED Int. Symp. on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence,
(Toulouse, June 18-20), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. Zagorianos, Inverse Kinematics Analysis of a Class of Industrial
Robots, 2nd Europ. Simulation Congress (ESC '86), (Antwerp, Belgium, Sept.
9-12), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Stavrakakis, Model Reference Adaptive Control of Industrial Robots
with Actuator Dynamics, IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Int. Symp. on Theory of Robots, (Vienna, Dec.
3-5), (1986).
- J. Kalat and S. G. Tzafestas, Walsh Function Based Simulation of Nonlinear Parabolic
Distributed Systems Through Quasilinearization, IFAC/IMACS Int. Symp. on Simulation of Control
Systems, (Vienna, Sept. 22-26), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Knowledge – Based Approach to System Modelling, Diagnosis, Supervision
and Control, IFAC / IMACS Int. Symp. on Simulation of Control Systems, (Vienna, Sept.
22-26), (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. Zikides, Benefits from Joint University and National Institution
Research Activities in Systems and Computer Applications for Nuclear Programmes in a Developing
Country, IAEA Int. Symp. on the Significance and Impact of Nuclear Research in Developing
Countries, pp. 217-225, (Athens, Sept. 8-12), (1986).
- H. Kanoh, S. G. Tzafestas, H. Gil Lee and J. Kalat, Modelling and Control of Flexible
Robot Arms, 25th IEEE CDC, (Athens, Dec. 10-12), (1986).
- T. G. Pimenides, N. J. Theodorou and S. G. Tzafestas, On the solution of m-D Difference
Equations via Z-Transform and State Space Analysis, 25th IEEE CDC, (Athens,
Dec. 10-12), (1986).
- C. Moraitis, G. Papakonstantinou and S. G. Tzafestas, Attribute Grammars as a Diagnostic
Tool, First Europ. Worksop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge –
Based Approaches, Vol. 2, pp. 53-62, (Island of Rhodes, Aug. 31- Sept. 3) (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, C. Botsaris and A. Philippou, New Results on the Analysis and Optimization
of a k-out-of-n : F System with Repair, First Europ. Workshop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability
and Related Knowledge – Based Approaches, Vol. 1, pp. 299-307, (Island of Rhodes,
Aug. 31 – Sept. 3) (1986).
- A. Pouliezos, S. G. Tzafestas and G. Stavrakakis, Fault Detection and Location in MRAC
Robotics Systems, First Europ. Worksop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge
– Based Approaches, Vol. 1, pp. 203-217, (Island of Rhodes, Aug. 31-Sept. 3) (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, A Look at the Knowledge – Based Approach to System Fault Diagnosis
and Supervisory Control, in : "System Fault Diagnostics and Related Knowledge – Based
Approaches", Vol. 2, pp. 3-15 (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Integrated Sensor – Based Robot System, 25th IEEE
CDC, Athens, Dec. 10-12, pp. 796-801 (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas and C. Botsaris, Reliability Measures and Optimal Repair / Maintenance
Policies for a Standby System with Repair Facilities Subject to Breakdown, X Symp. Operations
Research, (M. Beckman, et. al., Eds.), pp. 187-207, Munich, Verlag Anton Hain (1986).
- M. Farsi, J. Finch, K. Warwick, S. G. Tzafestas and G. Stassinopoulos, Simplified PID
Self – Tuning Controller for Robotic Manipulators, 25th IEEE CDC, pp.
1886-1887 (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, G. Stassinopoulos, M. Farsi, J. Finch and K. Warwick, Decentralized
PID Self – Tuning Control of Industrial Robots Based on Multivariable Identification, 25th
IEEE CDC, pp. 1888-1890 (1986).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Analysis and Parameter Computation of a Delay Coupled Core Nuclear Reactor
Using Block Function Series Expansions, 2nd Int. Symp. Systems Analysis and Simulation
(Berlin, DDR, Aug. 26-31) (1985).
- S. G. Tzafestas, Hierarchical Approach to the Control of Coupled Core Nuclear Reactors,
11th IMACS Congress (Oslo, Aug. 5-9) (1985).
- C. A. Botsaris, S. G. Tzafestas and S. Anastassiou, Application of Binary Programming
for Turbojet Engine Fault Detection, 12th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and
Optimization (Budapest, Sept. 2-6) (1985).
- S. G. Tzafestas and N. J. Theodorou, Computational Algorithms for Multidimensional Polynomial
Algebraic Operations, 24th IEEE-Decision and Control Conf. (CDC '85), pp.
1584-1589, Fort-Lauderdale, Florida (1985).
- S. G. Tzafestas and A. M. Angelleli, Three – Dimensional Image Restoration Using
ARMA Modelling and ML Estimation, IEEE Mediter. Electr. Conference, pp. 227-232, (MELECON
'85), [A. Luque, A. Figueiras, V. Cappellini, Editors], Madrid, Oct. 8-10 (1985).
- S. G. Tzafestas and G. Prasada Rao, Analysis, Control and Identification of Distributed
and Time Delay Systems Using Piece Wise Constant Orthogonal Basis Functions, 24th IEEE
– Decision and Control Conf. (CDC '85), pp. 1129-1132, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (1985).
NRC Demokritos
- On the Design of Electronic Buffer Memories, Proc.of International Symposium on Logical design
and applications, pp.1061-1074, Brussels, Sept.1969 (with G.Philokyprou).
- An Information Distribution System Using an Electronic Buffer Memory, Proc. International
Symposium of the Association of Computing Machinery, pp.50-59, Bonn, May 1970 , (with
- Hybrid Computation in Optimal Distributed –parameter Control Systems, Proc of the AICA-IFIP
Conference on Hybrid Computation, Munich, August 1970 , pp171-179.
- On optimum distributed-parameter filter design for correlated measurement noise, Proc.1970
CDC, IEEE Symposium on Adaptive Processes Decision and Control, The University of Texas
at Austin, 7-8 December,1970.
- A fast computational algorithm for optimum digital control systems, Proc. Of International
Symposium IFIP 1971, Ljubljana, August 23-28, 1971 (with D.Efthymiatos).
- Advanced techniques of digital-model design and real-time simulation for DDC, Proc of International
AICA Symposium on Simulation of Complex Systems, Tokyo, August 1971.
- Stochastic Computer design for hardware-simulation and control, Proc of International Control
and Instrumentation Conference, London, September 1971 (with G.Fragakis).
- Nonlinear –data filtering for colored measurement noise,Proc of Automation and Regulation
Systems, 1972 International Symposium, Chechoslovakia, 10-14, April
1972 (with A.Latsis).
- Parameter estimation in distributed –parameter dynamic models, Trans I.Chem.E. (Special
issue for the papers presented in the European Federation of Chem Engrg Decision –Design,
and the Computer), London, 12-14 Sept. 1972
- Theory and practice of optimal filtering, Proc Advanced Institute on Network and Signal theory,
Bournemouth, 4-16 Sept.1972.
- Dynamic modeling and simulation of a solar energy system by digital techniques, Proc of International
Congress: the Sun in the service of Mankind, Paris, July 2-6 1973 (with N.Koumoutsos
and A.Spyridonos).
- A sensitivity approach to the decoupling of linear systems with parameter disturbances, Proc.
Of Automatic Control Conference 1973 , Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
June 20-23, 1973 (with P.Paraskevopoulos).
- Computer Interactive approach to system identification, Proc of Computer Science Conference,
Szekesfehervar, Hungary, (May 21-26, 1973 ) (with A.Kossidas).
- On the nonlinear distributed-parameter filtering, Proc of Int Conf on Systems and Control,
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India (Aug.30-Sept 1 1973 ).
- Concerning modal control theory of DPS, Proc Int.Conf.on Systems and Control, PSG College,
Coimbatore, India (Aug.30-Sept.1, 1973 ).
University of Patras
- Fokker-Planck equation approach to distributed parameter filtering, Proc.of IFAC Symposium
on stochastic Control, Budapest, Sept.1974.
- A new approach to exact model-matching controller design, Proc. 1974 IEEE Conf.on Decision
and Control, Phoenix, Arizona, Nov.1974 (with P.Paraskevopoulos).
- On the Multivariable Control of Nuclear Reactors Using the State feedback Approach, Proc.of
IFIP 1975 on Modeling and Optimization in the Service of Man, Nice France, Sept.8-13, 1975.Also
SPRINGER-VERLAG Series in Computer science, Vol.41, pp.250-267, 1976 (with N.Chrysochoides).
- On the Design of Multi-Input Periodic Block Output Buffers with Binomial Feedback, Proc. of
National Electronics Conference (NEC) 1975, Chicago, Illinois Oct. 6-8, 1975.
- Logic and Statistical design of a multiple buffering system, Proc of 1976 Conf Inform Sci
and Systems, The Johns Hopkins Univ.,Baltimore, Maryland, March 31-April 2, 1976 (with
- Application of the innovations technique to DP detection and estimation problems, Proc
of IFIP Conf.on DPS Identification, Rome, June 21-24, 1976 (Also SPRINGER-VERLAG,
1977, Series on Control and Information Sciences).
- Controller design for decoupling and disturbance rejection in time-varying systems, Proc of
First.Intern Conf. Inform Sciences and Systems, Patras, Greece Aug.19-24, 1976 (with
- Distributed –parameter Nuclear reactor optimal control, Proc of IRIA Intern Symp.New
Trends in Systems Analysis, Versailles, France, Dec.13-17, 1976 , pp.32-62 (also
SPRINGER-VERLAG, 1977 ),Series on Control and Information Sciences.
- Design of disrtributed –parameter optimal controllers and filters via Walsh-Galerkin expansions,
Proc.2nd IFAC Symp.on Control of DPS, Warwick Univ., England, 28 June -1 July
- Multivariable control system identification using pseudorandom test inputs, Proc.of MECO'77
Int.Symp.On Measurement and Control, Zurich, Switzerland, June 20-21, 1977 (M.Hamza,
Editor, ACTA PRESS).
- Test inputs for control systems identification with applications to nuclear reactors, Proc
of Simulation '77, IASTED Symp.on System Simulation, Montreux, Switzerland, June 22-24,
1977 (M.Hamza, Editor, ACTA PRESS) (with J.Anoussis).
- Optimal control of distributed –parameter PWM systems, Proc. of MECO'78:Int.Symp.on
Measurement and Control, Athens, Greece, June 26-29, 1978 (S.Tzafestas,M.Hamza Editors,
ACTA PRESS, pp.747-756).
- A computer-aided design technique for the manufacture of developable shapes using numerical control
machines, Proc of MECO'78 ( S.Tzafestas and M.Hamza, Editors, ACTA PRESS, pp.601-607.1978
- Pulse-Width and pulse-frequency modulated control systems, Proc.of IMACS Symp.on Simulation
of Control Systems (I.Troch, Editor, North-Holland, pp.41-48,1978 ).
- Microprocessor-based approach to control engineering problems, Proc.of 1978 Summer Computer
Simulation Conference, Newport, California, July 24-26, 1978 , pp.488-498 (with N.Alexandridis).
- Microcomputer aspects for control applications, Proc of 20th Midwest Symp.on Circuits
and Systems, Texas, August 15-17,1978 (with N.Alexandridis).
- Optimization of System Reliability, Proc.of EUROIII (Operational Research), Amsterdam,
April 9-11, 1979.
- Systems, Management, OR, and Control: A Unified Look, Proc.of EUROIII (Operational Research),
Amsterdam, April 9-11, 1979.
- Mathematical Programming Approach to Optimal Distributed-Parameter Control, Proc.of IMACS
Congress, Sorrento, Sept.24-28, 1979 (Proceedings-Simulation of Systems: L.Dekker,
G.Savastano and G.Vansteenkiste, Eds., North-Holland, 1980.
- Optimal and Algebraic Control of Production –Inventory Systems, Proc of 2nd National
Symp.on Operational Research, Univ.of Patras, Sept.1979.
- Automatic Control, Reliability, and Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors, Proc of 1st National
Symposium of Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Energy, Athens March 1979.
- Optimal Control of Stochastic Distributed-Parameter Systems via the Matrix Minimum Principle,
Proc of INFO II (2nd Intern Symp on Information Sciences and Systems), Univ.of
Patras, July 1979.
- Application of an Eigenvalue Assignment Technique to the Control of Multivariable Production
Inventory Systems, Proc. of IMACS Europ. Simulation Meeting on Simulation of DPS and LSS,
Univ. of Patras, 1980, pp.205-216 (S.G.Tzafestas, Ed.).
- Monte Carlo Simulation and Filtering in Distributed-Parameter Systems, Proc.of IMACS Europ.
Simulation Meeting on Simulation of DPS and LSS, ibid pp.13-32.
- Distributed-Parameter Difference Games with Periodic Measurements, Proc of IFAC Symp.
on Large Scale Systems Theory and Applications, Toulouse, June 1980 (Proceedings:
Pergamon Press, M.Singh and A.Titli, Eds).
- Reliability Study of Systems Subject to General Partial and Catastrophic Failures, Proc of
EURO-IV (Operational Research Symp.), Cambridge, England, June 1980 (Germany) (with
- Partitioning Approach to Adaptive Distributed-Parameter Filtering, EUSIPCO-81 (1st Europ.
Signal Processing Conf.), Lausanne, Sept.1980 (North-Holland).
- Modeling and Identification of Two-Sector Growth Economic Systems, Proc of Simulation'80 (IASTED
Symp), Switzerland, June 1980 (with V. Kouskoulas).
- Simulation of a Microprogrammed Mini Control Computer System and Its Assembly Language, Proc
IMACS Europ. Simulation Meeting on Discrete Simulation and Related Fields, Keszthely, Hungary,
Sept.1980, pp.67-79 (A. Javor, Ed), pp.67-79 (with A.Kossidas).
- Hybrid Simulation of Distributed –Parameter Systems, Proc of Simulation'80 (Course),
Interlaken, Switzerland, June 1980.
- Multilevel Control of Distributed- Parameter Systems, Proc of 4th INRIA Intern
.Conf. on Analysis and Optimization of Systems, Versailles, Dec 1980 (Springer:
A Bensoussan, J.Lions, Eds.).
- Stakelberg Policies for Deterministic and Stochastic Space-Dependent Dynamic Games, Proc of
IFORS'81: 9th Intern.Conf. on Operational Research, July 20-24, Hamburg.
- On Pulse Width Modulated Control Systems, Proc of MELECON'81: IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical
Conf., Tel-Aviv, 24-28, May, 1981 (with G.Frangakis).
- Multi-Partitioning Approach In Distributed Parameter Adaptive Estimation, Proc of MECO'81:Measurment
and Control, Cairo, Aug.1981 (with P.Stavroulakis).
- Walsh Functions in Systems and Control: A Survey, Proc.of Applied Modeling and Smulation Conf.,
Lille, Sept.1981 (Ed.P. Borne).
- Multilevel Techniques in Distributed –Parameter Control, Proc of Intern Seminar
on Control, Electr. Eng. Dept., Imperial College and Southampton Univ., Aug.1981.
- ε-Coupling and Singular Perturbation Approaches to the Control of Interconnected Distributed
–Parameter Systems, Proc of 3rd IFAC Symp. On Control of Distributed-Parameter
Systems, Toulouse, 29 June-2 July, 1982 (J.P.Babary, L.Leletty, Eds.), pp.IX:-20-27,
Pergamon Press.
- Distributed-Parameter Systems : An Overview of Theory and Applications, Proc of 10th
IMACS World Congress, pp.344-346 (R.Vichnevetsky, W.Ames, S.Sankar, Eds), Aug.8-13,1982 ,
Montreal, Canada.
- Control of Multiple-Core Nuclear Reactors Via Exact Model Matching, Proc of Intern AMSE Conf.on
Modeling and Simulation (G.Mesnard, Ed.), Vol.8, pp.111-118 Paris, July 1-3, 1982 ,
AMSE Publ., France.
- Stability and Control Simulation of Two –Sector Growth Multi-Equilibrium Macro-Economic
Model, Proc.of 10th IMACS World Congress, Concordia Univ., pp.334-341 Montreal,
Canada, 1982.
- Reliability Analysis and Optimization of a Repairable Standby System with Modularly Designed
Items, Proc of 7th Symp. Operations Research (SOR), St.Gallen Techn.Univ.,
Switzerland, 19-21 Aug., 1982 (with Ch. Botsaris).
- A Canonical State Space Model for 3-D Systems, Proc.of Applied Informatics Symp., (AI'83),Vol.1,
pp.201-207 (P.Borne, Editor), Univ.of Lille, March 1983 (with N.Theodorou).
- Modeling and Control of M-D Systems, Proc.of Applied Informatics Symp., (AI'83),Vol.1
pp.167-179 (P.Borne, Editor), Univ. of Lille, March 1983 , (with P.Paraskevopoulos and
- On the Structure Analysis of Roesser's 3-D State-Space Models,Proc of IEEE-MELECON'83, pp.C6.14:1-3
(E.N.Protonotarios, G.Stasinipoulos, Eds), Athens, May 1983 (with T.Pimenides).
- State Observer Design for 3-Dimensional Systems, Proc of IEEE-MELECON'83, pp.C6.04:1-3
(E.N.Protonotarios, G.Stasinipoulos, Eds) Athens, May 1983 (with T.Pimenides).
- State Feedback Stabilizing Control of ε-Coupled Bilinear Systems, Proc of 11th IFIP
Conf.on System Modeling and Optimization, Copenhagen, July 1983 (with
- Optimal Maintenance Policies for Modular Standby Systems, Proc of 11th IFIP Conf.on
System Modeling and Optimization, (P.Thoft Christensen, Editor) pp.618-630 (Springer),
July 1983.
- Stabilization of Large-Scale Bilinear Systems Via the ε-Coupling Approach, Proc
of 3rd IFAC/IFORS Symp.of Large –Scale Systems, (A.Straszak, Editor) pp.547-554,
Warsaw, July 1983 (with K.Anagnostou).
- Adaptive Observers for 3-D Systems, Methods and Appl.of Measurement and Control, pp.166-170
(S.Tzafestas , M.Hamza,Eds), Athens, Aug.1983 , ACTA PRESS (with P.Stavroulakis).
- A Comparative Overview of some M-D State-Space Models, Proc MECO'83, (ibid), pp.46-52,
Athens, Aug.1983 (with N.Theodorou).
- Optimal Design of a Standby System with Repair Facilities Subject to Break-down, Proc MECO'83,
(ibid), pp.628-631, Athens, Aug.1983 (with Ch.Botsaris).
- Dynamic Reactivity Computation in Nuclear Reactors Using Block-Pulse Function Expansion, in :
Advances in Modelling, Planning, Decision and Control of Energy, Power and Environmental Systems
(S.Tzafestas, M.Hamza Editors) pp.223-226, ACTA Press, 1983. (with J.Anoussis and
- Factorizability of Multivariable Polynomials: An Overview with New Results, Proc of AMSE-Intern
Conf Modeling and Simulation 84, (Athens, June 27-90, 1984 (with N.Theodorou).
- Reliability and Fault Detection Techniques of Large Scale Systems, Proc of 1st Europ.Workshop
on RTC-LSS, (G.Schmidt, M.Singh, A.Titli, S.Tzafestas, Editors) pp.35-59 (Patras Univ.,
July 9-12, 1984 ), Springer.
- Some Results in 2-D and 3-D Systems Theory, Proc Digital Signal Processing'84, (V.Cappellini,
A.G.Constantinides, Editors), pp.39-53 (Florence, 5-8, Sept.1984 ), North-Holland.
- Walsh and Block-Pulse Functions in Distributed –Parameter and Delay Systems, (S.G.Tzafestas,
Editor), Proc of DIGITECH'84: Digital Techniques in Simulation Communication and Control ),
- Coupled-Core Reactor Simulation and Identification Using One-Shot Operational Walsh Matrices,
Proc of DIGITECH'84, (Patras Univ., July 9-12,1984 ), ibid, (with J.Anoussis).
- Logarithmic Processing in Digital Filter Implementation, Proc of DIGITECH'84, ibid.
- Open-loop Deadbeat Control of Multidimensional Systems, Proc of DIGITECH'84, ibid (with