- Principal interests: Systems, Control, Fault Diagnosis, Robotics, Automation,
Knowledge-Based Systems, Intelligent Systems, CIM.
- 350 Journal Papers, 95 Book Chapters, 370 Conference Papers.
- Founder / Director of two laboratories (Patras, Athens).
- Taught 26 undergraduate and 12 graduate courses.
- Supervisor of 21 Ph.D. and 130 Diploma/Master Theses.
- Editor of 2 international journals and 2 book series.
- Founding editor of the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems.
- Associate Editor / E.B. Member of 14 journals.
- Reviewer of 30 journals and over 150 conferences.
- Author of 20 textbooks (Greek).
- Editor of 24 international books and 21 Conference proceedings.
- Guest editor of 26 journal special issues.
- IPC member in numerous conferences.
- Organizer of several conference invited sessions.
- Organizer of 21 local and European seminars.
- Organizer of 33 international conferences.
- Coordinator / member of 7 inter-university networks.
- Evaluator of several research proposals worldwide.
- Visiting Researcher / Professor in 8 Universities.
- Cooperation with 22 research groups worldwide.
- Evaluator in several worldwide professorial promotions.
- Plenary speaker in many workshops and conferences.
- President/Vice President of 4 scientific societies.
- President of the European Control Association (EUCA), 2007-2009.
- Member of 17 scientific societies.
- Biography in 30 Who's Who reference volumes.