- Proceedings of the IEE: Control Theory and Applications
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control
- IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems
- IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics:B
- IEEE Transactions of Industrial Electronics
- IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine
- IEEE Transactions of Control Systems Technology
- ASME Journal of Dyn. Systems, Meas. and Control
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- Information Processing Letters
- Journal of the Franklin Institute
- International Journal of Control
- International Journal of Systems Science
- Control and Instrumentation
- Electronic Engineering
- Ricerche di Automatica
- Automatica
- Control Engineering
- Optimal Control Applications and Methods
- Control: Theory and Advanced Technology
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods
- Nuclear Science and Engineering
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- Automatic Control Engineering
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- Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal
- Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
- Journal of Control, Computer Science and Signal Processing
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- Foundations of Control Engineering
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- Methods of Operations Research
- Information and Decision Technologies
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- Systems Analysis Modeling Simulation
- Journal A
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- Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools
- Advanced Robotics
- Automatique, Productique, et Informatique Industriel
- Systems Science
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Journal of Artificial Neural Networks
- Control and Cybernetics
- Communication and Cognition: Artificial Intelligence
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- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
- Studies of Informatics and Control
- Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing
- Computers in Industry
- Fuzzy sets and Systems
- Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
- Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamic Systems
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- Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
- Machine Intelligence and Robotic Control
- Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences
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- Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
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- Solar Energy
- Knowledge Based Systems
- The Knowledge Engineering Review
- Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
- Advances in Engineering Software
- Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing
- Open Systems and Information Dynamics
- Neural Networks
- Trans. of Inst. of Measurement and Control
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