- IEE (IET) Fellow, Institution of Electrical Engineers
[now: Institution of Engineering and Technology] (1982).
- IEEE Fellow,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1987), Life Fellow (2006).
- IBA Life Fellow,
International Biogr. Association (1987).
- Honorary Award, Hellenic Club of Writers (1995).
- 20th Century Award for Achievement,
IBC, Cambridge (1995).
- Ktesibios Award, Mediter. Control Association (2001).
- Honorary Award, Honors List, IBC Cambridge (2001).
- ASME Long Term Memb. Award,
Amer.Soc.Mech.Engrs. (2002).
- World Life Time Achievement Award,
Amer.Biogr.Institute (2006).
- Emeritus Chartered Engineer,
Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens (2007).
- Charter Fellow,
Advisory Directorate International — ABI, U.S.A (2008).