Courses Taught
- 1969-1984 (Demokritos-Patras Univ.)
- 1985-2006 (NTUA)
- 1973-2006 (Abroad)
- Current Lecturing
1969-1984 (Demokritos-Patras University)
20 undergraduate and 6 postgraduate courses on electronics, computers, stochastic
processes, digital signal processing, control, and automation.
1985-2006 (NTUA)
- Control Systems Design
- Robotics: Analysis – Control – Laboratory
- Industrial Computer-Based Control
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Expert Systems and Applications
- Neurofuzzy Robotic and Industrial Control
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Robotic Control Systems
- Robust, Adaptive and Hierarchical Control
- Advanced Topics of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics
- Robotics Laboratory
1973-2006 (Abroad)
Short courses in several universities (Southampton Univ., Denmark Tech. Univ.,
IDN – Grande Ecole de Lille, Delft Tech. Univ., Calabria Univ., MIT, Munich
Tech. Univ., ULB).
Current Lecturing
Free lectures to SECE students and researchers, and other interested people.
- Automatic Control Systems (Fall Semester):
Selected Topics (Undergraduate level)
- Intelligent Systems and Applications (Spring Semester):
Selected Topics (Advanced level)