The work in this field includes linear continuous- time and discrete-time systems, as well
as bilinear, nonlinear, time-delay, and finite-state systems (sequential machines/ automata).
The work in this area has started early in his career (1972) and is continued until now.
The problems considered were tackled by highly original methods, and include the following: input-output modeling, identification, optimization, sensitivity analysis, input-output
decoupling, state observer design, state estimation, model matching, eigenvalue (modal)
control, model-based predictive control, hierarchical control, adaptive control, and
multivariable robust stabilization and control. Some of the results have been applied to
nuclear reactors, production/ inventory systems, and solar energy systems. Again, in the
MVS area he has published important survey papers, and the following three contributed
reference books:
- Multivariable Control: Concept and Tools, D.Reidel (1984).
- Applied Digital Control, North-Holland (1985).
- Applied Control: Recent Trends and Applications, Marcel Dekker (1993).
Key Publications
- Input-output modeling and identification of linear automata, Inform. Processing Letters, Vol.1, No.3, pp.69-75 (1972).
- Multivariable control theory of linear sequential machines, Intl.J.Systems Science, Vol.4, No.3, pp.363-396 (1973).
- Eigenvalue controller design of reduced sensitivity, Proc.IEEE, Vol.63, No.1, pp.1080-1081 (1975).
- Model matching multicontroller design of reduced sensitivity, Autom Control Theory & Appl., Vol.3, pp.57-69 (1975).
- Partial decoupling in a class of nonlinear control systems, Electron Lett, Vol.12, No.6, pp.145-147 (1976).
- Multivariable control system identification using pseudorandom inputs, Autom.Control Theory and Applications, Vol.5, Sept (1977).
- Stabilizing optimal control of bilinear systems with a generalized cost, Optimal Contr. Theory and Methods (OCAM), Vol.5, pp.111-117 (1984).
- New computationally efficient formula for backward pass fixed-interval smoother and its U-D factorization algorithm, Proc.IEE, Vol.136 (Part D), No.2, pp.73-78 (1989).
- A hierarchical multiple model adaptive control of discrete-time stochastic systems for sensor and actuator uncertainties, Automatica, Vol.26, pp.875-886 (1990).
- PID self-tuning control combining pole placement and parameter optimization, Math & Computers in Siml., Vol.37, pp.133-142 (1994).
- A unified hierarchical control algorithm for constrained nonlinear multi-delay interconnected systems: Application to production planning, Control-Theory and Advanced Technology (C-TAT), Vol.10, No.4 (Part 4), pp.1737-1761 (1995).
- Stability robustness of feedback linearizable systems with input unmodeled dynamics, IEE Proc.-Control Theory Appl., Vol.146, pp.77-83 (1999).
- A small gain theorem for locally input-to-state stable interconnected systems, J.Franklin Inst, Vol.336, pp.893-901 (1999).