ID προβλήματος: | binstree
Τίτλος: | Δυαδικό Δένδρο Αναζήτησης
Βαθμός Δυσκολίας: | 4
Ημερομηνία Εισαγωγής: | 2000-06-04
Σχόλια: |
Δυαδικό Δένδρο Αναζήτησης
A binary search tree is used to search for data strings of lowercase
alphabetic characters (a-z). Each tree node, v, holds a data string, v(s).
All strings stored in the left subtree of v are lexicographically smaller
than v(s), whereas all strings in the right subtree of v are
lexicographically larger than v(s). Also, no string is present in the tree
more than once. The binary search tree supports insertions and deletions.
Assume that we have a set of strings s1, s2, ...,
sn (n<=100), where each
string comprises of 10 characters at most. The problem is to build a binary
search tree incrementally, inserting one string at a time. Evidently, the
tree is not balanced in the general case.
Your program should read the input from the standard input, which has the
following format.
- The first line contains the number of strings, n, to be inserted in the
binary search tree, whereas
- the next n lines of the input file contain the strings to be inserted.
Your program should produce the output in the standard output, which should
have the following format.
- The first line contains two integers separated by a space character: the
maximum path form the root to the leaves, and the internal path length,
which is equal to the sum of the paths of all the tree nodes (note, that the
path of the root is zero). These values are indications showing how well the
tree is balanced.
- Then, n lines follow, where each line contains one string of characters.
The characters allowed are "L" (for Left) and "R" (for Right) showing the
path followed during the insertion of the corresponding string into the tree.
Two special cases should be taken into consideration:
- If the inserted string is the first in the binary search tree, then the
string "ROOT" should appear in the corresponding line.
- If the string already exists in the tree, then the string "EXISTS" should
appear in the output.
Παραδείγματα εισόδου/εξόδου
Είσοδος | Έξοδος
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