Introduction to Auto Judge

Auto Judge is an automated system for simmulating an ACM-like programming contest. It uses the internet email protocol (RFC 822) and the WWW. In order to use it, you must be able to be reached by e-mail and also have a WWW client (not necessarily graphical).

Auto Judge has a problem database. Each problem has its own unique codename (id).

Auto Judge has an email address: In this address you must send your program, which is supposed to solve a given problem. A sample unix script to submit a program is submit.

All problems have some common characteristics. Please, read them carefully:

As an example, have a look at the test problem Hello. This is a naive problem that will be used to show the auto judging mechanism. Try submitting the following programs and make sure you understand why only the first one succeeds.


/* hello1.c */

	printf("Hello, world\n");
	return 0;


/* hello2.c */

	printf("Hello, world");