The 12th Workshop for PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems 

To be held in conjunction with the
16th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)
Malaga, Spain. June 10-14, 2002


This workshop is slightly unusual, because the participants are PhD students and the topics are derived from the areas of interest of the participants. The workshop is divided into plenary sessions with a number of pre-screened presentations, and "discussion" sessions, holding small subgroups composed of PhD students working on similar topics. For each participant, this is an opportunity to present his/her research to a knowledgeable audience working in a similar context, and to share his/her ideas on hot-topics or new trends. In this way, the participants may receive insightful comments on their research, learn about related work, and initiate future research collaborations.

The participants are divided into three categories. First, it is possible to submit a (3-8 page) extended abstract on a specific topic, and give a 30 minutes presentation at the workshop. Second, a PhD student may submit a one-page abstract of their PhD project, and give a 15 minutes talk. Finally, last-minute participants may contribute with a short and informal oral presentation of their research. The program committee is essentially composed of  senior and young researchers with a strong background on some area of object-orientation. The review process is not designed to select the few very best papers, but to ensure that every participant is able to present some relevant material, and is well prepared. 

A summary of the workshop will be published in Springer Verlag as an LNCS Volume.

Last modified on 2002.1.31. by Ezz Hattab