
Papers in Refereed Journals

Afrati,F., "Bounded Arity Datalog (<>) Queries on Graphs" submitted as invited paper to special issue of Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, vol 55 1997 on ACM Conference 'Principles of Database Systems'.

Afrati, F., Cosmadakis, S.,Yannakakis, M., "Datalog vs. Polynomial Time", Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences (special issue on ACM Conference 'Principles of Database Systems'), October 1995.

Afrati,F., "A Polynomial Algorithm for Hamiltonian Grids". RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, Vol 28, no 6, 1994, pp 567-582.

Afrati, F., Stafylopatis, A., "Performance Considerations on a Random Graph Model for Parallel processing", RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, vol. 27, no. 4, 1993, pp 367-388.

Paschos, P., Anagnostou, M., Afrati, F., "Deterministic Access Protocols for Packet radio Networks", International Journal of Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Vol. 6 1993, pp. 151-160.

Afrati, F., "The Parallel Complexity of Single Rule Logic Programs" . Discrtete Applied Mathematics (special issue) 40 (1992) pp 107-126.

Afrati, F., Papadimitriou, C.H., "The Parallel Complexity of Simple Logic Programs", J.ACM, Vol. 90 No 4 September 1993, pp. 891-916.

Afrati, F., Papadimitriou, C.H., Papageorgiou, G., Roussou, A., Sagiv, Y., Ullman, J.D., "On the Convergence of Query Evaluation", Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 38 No 2, April 1989 (special issue), pp. 341-359.

Afrati, F., Papadimitriou, C.H., Papageorgiou, G. "The Synthesis of Communication Protocols", Algorithmica Vol 3, 1988 (special issue on distributed computing), pp. 451-472.

Afrati, F., Cosmadakis, S., Papadimitriou, C.H., Papageorgiou, G., Papakonsta ntinou "The Complexity of the Travelling Repairman Problem", RAIROTheoretical Informatics and Applications, Vol.20, No.1, 1986, pp.79-87.

Afrati, F., Papadimitriou, C.H., Papageorgiou, G., "The Complexity of Cubical Graphs" Information and Control Vol.66, No.1-2, July-August 1985 pp. 53-60.


Afrati, F., "Introduction to Information Theory" (in greek), publication of the NTU of Athens, 1985.

Afrati, F., Papageorgiou, G., "Algorithms: Design and Analysis of Computational Complexity" (in greek), publication of the NTU of Athens, 1993.

Papers in Conference Proceedings

Afrati, F., Guessarian, I., de Rougemont, M. "Expressiveness of DAC Programs", In proceedings of MFCS 1997.

Afrati, F., Kavalieros, Th., Theodoratos, D., "On the Complexity of Updating Knowledge Bases", Proceedings of Conference of Greek CS Society, Athens, Dec. 1995.

Afrati,F., Andronikos,Th., Kavalieros,Th., "Expressiveness of Constraint Query Languages" Proceedings of 1st workshop on Constraint Databases , Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in CS, 1995.

Afrati,F., Andronikos,Th., Kavalieros,Th., "On the Expressiveness of Query Languages with Linear Constraints: Considerations on Spatial Data" Proceedings of 2nd workshop on Constraint Databases, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in CS, 1995.

Afrati,F., Cosmadakis,S., Grumbach,S., Kuper,G., "Linear vs. Polynomial Constraints in Database Query Languages", 2nd Workshop on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 1994.

Afrati,F., "Bounded Arity Datalog (<>) Queries on Graphs", Proceeding s of the 13th ACM PODS, Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems, 1994.

Afrati,F., Cosmadakis,S.,Yannakakis,M., "Datalog vs. Polynomial Time", Proceedings of the 10th ACM PODS, Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems, 1991, pp.13-25; (the final version appears above as a refereed journal entry).

Afrati,F., "Finding Strongly Connected Components in Series Parallel Graphs". Proceedings TENCON'91, New Dehli, India,1991.

Afrati,F., Coutras,C., "A Hypertext Model Supporting Query Mechanisms&qu ot;, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext 1990, published in volume Hypertext: Concepts, systems and applications by Cambridge University Press.

Afrati,F., Stafylopatis,A., "Performance Considerations on a Random Graph Model for Parallel Processing". Proceedings of IMACS Conference, Paris 1988.

Afrati,F., Cosmadakis,S., "Expressiveness of Restricted Recursive Queries", Proceedings of the 21st ACM STOC, Symposium on Theory of Computing, May 1989, pp. 113-126.

Afrati,F, Papadimitriou,C.H., Papageorgiou,G., "Scheduling Dags to Minimize Time and Communication", Proceedings of the Aegian Workshop on Computing (AWOC), June 1988.

Afrati,F., Papadimitriou,C.H., "The Parallel Complexity of Simple Chain Queries", Proceedings of the 6th ACM PODS, Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems, March 1987 pp. 210-213; (the final version appears above as a refereed journal entry).

Afrati,F., Papadimitriou,C.H., Papageorgiou,G., Roussou,A., Sagiv,Y.,Ullman,J .D., "Convergence of Sideways Query Evaluation", Proceedings of the 5th ACM PODS, Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems,March 1986 pp. 24-30; (the final version appears above as a refereed journal entry).

Afrati,F., Papadimitriou,C.H., Papageorgiou,G. "The Synthesis of Communication Protocols", Proceedings of the 5th ACM PODC. Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing, August 1986;(the final version (appears above as a refereed journal entry).

Afrati,F., Anagnostou,M., Protonotarios,E.N., "Performance Evaluation of Hybrid ARQ Protocols", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, June 1985.

Afrati,F., Dendrinos,M., "Symmetry and Cyclicity Properties of some Low Complexity Codes", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, June 1985.

Afrati,F., Papadimitriou,C.H., Papageorgiou,G., "The Complexity of Cubical Graphs", Proceedings of the 11th ICALP, International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science appears above as a refereed journal entry).

Anagnostou,M., Afrati,F., "On the Complexity and Accuracy of Algorithms used for the Performance Evaluation of ARQ Protocols", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference MELECON, 1985.

Afrati,F., Papaspirou,V., "Optimal Extension of a Linear Code", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference MELECON, 1985.

Afrati,F., Dendrinos.M., "Considerations on Low Complexity Codes Concerning Symmetry and Cyclicity", Proceedings DIGITECH, 1984.

Afrati,F., Ballas,D., "Analysis of Error Correcting Codes for the Binary Symmetric Channel", Proceedings MECO 1983.

Afrati,F., Anagnostou,M., Mikroudis,N., "A Hybrid ARQ Scheme using Convolutional Codes", Proceedings MECO 1983.

Afrati,F., Anagnostou,M., Mikroudis,N.,"A Hybrid Scheme for the Improvement of the ARQ Protocols", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference MELECON, 1983.

Afrati,F., "A Random Search Algorithm for the Construction of Ternary Linear Block Codes", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference MELECON, 1983.

Afrati,F., "A Graph-Theoretic Approach to the Binary Linear Block Code Construction", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1982.

Afrati,F., " A Branch-and-Bound Method for the Construction of Binary Linear Block Codes", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference MELECON, 1981.

Afrati,F., Constantinides,A.G., " The Use of Graph Theory in Binary Block Code Construction", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 1978.