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- 1.
David D. Lewis and Marc Ringuette.
A comparison of two learning algorithms for text categorization.
In Third Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Information Retrieval, pages 81-93, Las Vegas, NV, April 11-13 1994. ISRI; Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- 2.
David D. Lewis.
Challenges in machine learning for text classification.
In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory, page 1, New York, 1996. ACM.
- 3.
Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer.
BoosTexter: A boosting-based system for text categorization.
Machine Learning, 39(2/3):135-168, 2000.
- 4.
Rayid Ghani.
Using Error-Correcting Codes for Efficient Text Classification with a Large Number of Categories.
Masters Project Report. Center for Automated Learning & Discovery, Carnegie Mellon University (2001)
- 5.
Sam Scott, Stan Matwin.
Feature Engineering for Text Classification.
Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference 1999, pp. 379-388.
- 6.
Sam Scott
Feature Engineering for a Symbolic Approach to Text Classification
Masters Thesis. University of Ottawa, Computer Science Department Technical Report TR-98-09.
- 7.
Andrew McCallum and Kamal Nigam
A Comparison of Event Models for Naive Bayes Text Classification. Andrew McCallum and Kamal Nigam. AAAI-98 Workshop on "Learning for Text Categorization".
AAAI-98 Workshop on "Learning for Text Categorization".
- 8.
T. Joachims,
A Statistical Learning Model of Text Classification with Support Vector Machines.
Proceedings of the Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), ACM, 2001.
- 9.
T. Joachims,
Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant Features.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), Springer, 1998.
- 10.
C. Apte, F. Damerau, S.M. Weiss
Automated Learning of Decision Rules for Text Categorization
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 12(3), pages 233-251
- 11.
William J. Teahan and David J. Harper.
Using Compression-Based Language Models for Text Categorization
Workshop on Language Modeling and Information Retrieval, 2001.
- 12.
S. T. Dumais
Using SVMs for text categorization.
In IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, Trends and Controversies, Marti Hearst, ed., 13(4), July/August 1998.
- 13.
S. T. Dumais, J. Platt, D. Heckerman and M. Sahami
Inductive learning algorithms and representations for text categorization.
In Proceedings of ACM-CIKM98, Nov. 1998, pp. 148-155.
- 14.
Nitin Thaper
Using compression for source based classification of text.
MS thesis, MIT
- 15.
Andrew McCallum and Kamal Nigam.
Employing EM in Pool-Based Active Learning for Text Classification.
- 16.
Lars Kai Hansen, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Thomas Kolenda, Finn Arup Nielsen.
Modeling Text With Generalizable Gaussian Mixtures.
ICASSP'2000 Istanbul, Turkey, 2000 June
- 17.
Kamal Nigam, Andrew McCallum, Sebastian Thrun and Tom Mitchell.
Text Classification from Labeled and Unlabeled Documents using EM.
Machine Learning, 39(2/3). pp. 103-134. 2000.
- 18.
Rayid Ghani,Sean Slattery,Yiming Yang
Hypertext Categorization using Hyperlink Patterns and Meta Data.
ICML 2001.
- 19.
Yiming Yang, Sean Slattery and Rayid Ghani.
A Study of Approaches for Hypertext Categorization.
To Appear in the Journal of Intelligent Information systems - Special Issue on Automatic Text Categorization (2001).
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