- A Comparative Study on
Chinese Text Categorization Methods (ResearchIndex)
- A Fast Algorithm for
Hierarchical Text Classification (ResearchIndex)
- A
Fast Clustering Algorithm to Cluster Very Large Categorical Data Sets in
Data Mining - Huang (ResearchIndex)
- A Method For Improving
Automatic Word Categorization (ResearchIndex)
- An Evaluation of
Statistical Approaches to Text Categorization - Yang (ResearchIndex)
- A non-invasive learning
approach to building web user profiles - Chan)
- An Unsupervised
Clustering Tool for Unstructured Data (ResearchIndex)
- A
Probabilistic Analysis of the Rocchio Algorithm with TFIDF for Text
Categorization - Joachims (ResearchIndex)
- A
re-examination of text categorization methods - Yang, Liu
- A
Tutorial on Automated Text Categorisation - Sebastiani (ResearchIndex)
- Automatic Web Page Categorization by Link and
Context Analysis - Attardi, Gull, Sebastiani (ResearchIndex)
- Automating the
Construction of Internet Portals with Machine Learning - McCallum, Nigam,
Rennie, Seymore (ResearchIndex)
- Bases de WebAce
- BoosTexter: A
Boosting-based System for Text Categorization - Schapire, Singer
- Categorizing Web Pages on
the Subject of Neural Networks (ResearchIndex)
- CHAMELEON: A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
Using Dynamic Modeling - Karypis, Han, Kumar (ResearchIndex)
- Cluster-Based Text Categorization: A Comparison of
Category Search Startegies - Iwayama, Tokunaga (ResearchIndex)
- Clustering Data Streams - Guha, Mishra, Motwani,
O'Callaghan (ResearchIndex)
- Clustering Hypertext With
Applications To Web Searching (ResearchIndex)
- Clustering In A
High-Dimensional Space Using Hypergraph Models - Han, Karypis, Kumar,
Mobasher (ResearchIndex)
- Clustering Methods for
Collaborative Filtering - Ungar, Foster (ResearchIndex)
- Concept Indexing - A Fast Dimensionality Reduction
Algorithm with Applications to Document Retrieval & Categorization
- Content-Based Book Recommending Using Learning for
Text Categorization - Mooney, Roy (ResearchIndex)
- Content-Based Document
Classification With Highly Compressed Input Data - Merkl
- Context-sensitive
learning methods for text categorization - Cohen, Singer
- CS
395T Large Scale Data Mining
- Digital Libraries ---
Classification and Visualization Techniques (ResearchIndex)
- Distributional Clustering of Words for Text
Classification - Baker, McCallum (ResearchIndex)
- Efficient text categorization - Mladeni'c,
Grobelnik (ResearchIndex)
- Enhanced hypertext categorization using hyperlinks
- Chakrabarti, Dom, Indyk (ResearchIndex)
- FACILE: Classifying Texts Integrating Pattern
Matching and Information Extraction - Ciravegna, Lavelli, Mana, Gilardoni,
Mazza, Ferraro, Matiasek, Black, Rinaldi, Mowatt (ResearchIndex)
- Feature Engineering for a Symbolic Approach to Text
Classification (ResearchIndex)
- Feature Engineering For
Text Classification (ResearchIndex)
- Hierarchical
Classification of Web Content (ResearchIndex)
- Hypergraph Based
Clustering in High-Dimensional Data Sets: A Summary of Results
- Improving Text Classification by Using Conceptual
and Contextual Features (ResearchIndex)
- Incremental Clustering and Dynamic Information
Retrieval - Charikar, Chekuri, Feder, Motwani (ResearchIndex)
- Incremental Document Clustering for Web Page
Classification (ResearchIndex)
- K-Nearest Neighboor text categorization
- Learning Algorithms for Keyphrase Extraction -
Turney (ResearchIndex)
- Learning to Classify Text from Labeled and
Unlabeled Documents - Nigam, McCallum, Thrun, Mitchell (ResearchIndex)
- Natural language text classification and filtering
with trigrams and evolutionary nearest neighbour classifiers
- Online Clustering for
Collaborative Filtering (ResearchIndex)
- Partitioning-Based
Clustering for Web Document Categorization - Boley, Gini, Gross, Han,
Hastings, Karypis, Kumar, Mobasher, Moore (ResearchIndex)
- Publications Related to Data Mining
- Scalability for Clustering Algorithms Revisited
- Scaling Clustering Algorithms to Large Databases -
Bradley, Fayyad, Reina (ResearchIndex)
Kernel-based text-categorization
- Text
Categorisation: A Survey. (ResearchIndex)
- Text
Categorization and Relational Learning - Cohen (ResearchIndex)
- Text
Categorization for Multi-page Documents: A Hybrid Naive Bayes HMM Approach
- Text Categorization Using
Adaptive Context Trees (ResearchIndex)
- Text
Categorization Using Weight Adjusted k-Nearest Neighbor Classification -
Han (ResearchIndex)
- Text
Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant
Features - Joachims (ResearchIndex)
- Text Classification by
Bootstrapping with Keywords, EM and Shrinkage - McCallum, Nigam
- Text
Data Mining - Merkl (ResearchIndex)
- The Cluster--Abstraction
Model: Unsupervised Learning of Topic Hierarchies from Text Data
- The Effect of Using
Hierarchical Classifiers in Text Categorization (ResearchIndex)
- Unsupervised Clustering:
A Fast Scalable Method for Large Datasets (ResearchIndex)
- Unsupervised Learning of the Morphology of a
Natural Language
- WebAce
- Web
Document Classification based on Hyperlinks and Document Semantics
Cours/Pages web/...
- R:
K-Means (français)
- :
Class Kmeans
- 8.7 Centres mobiles
- Classification automatique par centres
- Index of /users/ramgopal/cs395t/datamining
- Kmeans: Accurate Center Initialization
- Similarité, dissimilarité
- Annexes - 4. Source de l'operateur kppv
- A la
poursuite de l'information
- Bibliography - Text Clustering
- Birkhauser - Elements of
Hypermedia Design
- Bouquin en ligne de Keith sur l'Information
345 -- Dr. Schoenly -- Univ of Mississippi
- CBR*Tools - Point d'ouverture Similarity
- CEA/DIST La recherches des documents
- Concept: Expected mutual information measure
- Cours Extraction d'information, FIIFO-5, Paris 11,
Christian Jacquemin
- CoursParis 11, Christian
- CS
112, Class Headline News
- Intelligent systems on
the Internet
- Stemming and Cooccurrence on a Larger Corpus
- Web
Page Categorization and Feature Selection Using Association Rule and
Principal Component Clustering
- IntelligentKM Feature
- effclus
- Découverte de connaissances à partir de données
Labos/Equipes de
- Le Sphinx Developpement :
logiciels, enquêtes, sondages, analyses statistiques...
- Gabriel L. Somlo - home
- Bookmarks for Eric Joanis
- http://cui.unige.ch/eao/www/memoires/Bennour/API/Sources/TFIDF.java
- Customizable Multi-Engine Search Tool
- Clustering Calculator
- Using Memex to archive
and mine \\community Web browsing experience
- Weka 3 - Data Mining with
Open Source Machine Learning Software in Java
- Banda Java Packages
- Rainbow
- The `Bow' Toolkit
- SRILM Manual Pages
- WinBrill : bienvenue
- Le
système SMART
- The R Language
- Supplied Stoplists, 6 of 11
- Chronology
- SurfAgent Proxy Home Page
- Junkbusters Home Page
- ::Mohomine::
- Inxight Software
- Interwoven Corporate
- Welcome to Semio
- Verity, Inc. : Powering
Business Portals